Out in the Mountains Join The Fight Suppon The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men in their work to pass legislation guaranteeing equal rights to Lesbians and Gay men in Ver- mont and insuring protection for People With AIDS and HIV-1» persons. Contribute to our cause and add your name to our mailinglist. We need yourhelp. Yes, I want to be a part of making Vermont safer for Gays and Lesbians. Add my name to your mailing list l:lAccept my contribution of to help with expenses and general coalition building eflons See Address on VT Resources Page Name Address Phone THANK YOU! NGLTF Announces 48 Workshops at Creating Change Conference The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force announced today that 48 skill build- ing and thought-provoking workshops have been planned for the Second Annual Creating Change Conference, to be held in Washington, D.C. on November 10-12, 1989. The workshops will be organized into six tracks that will address campus organizing, organizational issues, legisla- tive issues, skill building, issue organizing, movement building, and political questions for the lesbian and gay movement. A spe- cial, one-day pre-conference fundraising seminar for lesbian and gay organizations is planned for November 9. Most conference activities will take place at the Holiday Inn in Bethesda, Mary- land, which is a short ride on the Metrorail from downtown Washington, D.C. The event will be accessible for hearing im- paired and disabled activists. For registration and other information on the conference write to Creating Change, NGLTF, 1517 U Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. New Public Info Director at NGLTF Gay rights activist and 10-year com- munications professional Robert Bray was named public information director at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF). Bray succeeds Urvashi Vaid, recently appointed to NGLTF executive director. Most recently, Bray worked closely with the m to pro- vide extensive background information, interviews and behind-the-scenes Wash- ington data for the newspaper’s unparal- leled 16-part “Gay In America” series. “We are thrilled that Robert will join us,” said Vaid. “He brings media savvy and organizing skills that will greatly enhance NGL'I‘F’s work. His work at NGLTF will continue to strengthen and support the en- tire national gay and lesbian political movement.” Natl. Meeting on Anti-gay Violence by NIMH In a groundbreaking move, the Na. tional Institute of Mental Health held a national research workshop on anti. l gay violence in Bethesda, MD, on June 27 K; and 28. Entitled“Mental Health Aspects of 3 Violence Towards Lesbians and Gay Men: , Research Issues and Directions,” the work- shop was co-chaired by Kevin Berrill, Di- ; rector of the National Gay and Lesbian ] Task Force Anti-Violence Project. The ' meeting included more than a dozen other l invited participants, including researchers, " psychologists, social workers, and mem- bers of the NIMH staff. l The workshop took place as a result of ‘ a joint lobbying effort in 1987 by NGLTF l and the American Psychological Associa- tion. It was designed to: (1) critically re- , view the current state of research on anti- l gay violence; (2) identify key gaps in cur- ‘ rent understanding of the issue; and (3) , establish priorities for future research in this area by NIMH and the mental health field. “This workshop is another example of our continuing efforts to push the federal , government to respond to anti-gay vio- lence,” said Berrill. “But this is only afirst l step. We will continue to press NIMH and . other federal agencies to respond to attacks J against lesbians and gay men.” 1 l NGLTF Issues Progress NGLTF announced the publication of its Federal Legislative Report, a 10-page l document summarizing Congressional « activity during the first seven months of 1989 on issues on the national lesbian and gay agenda. It includes House and Senate legislative summaries, information on ob- taining Congressional Committee reports. and a Congressional calender for the bal- “When Congress returns form its August recess, we anticipate a very high level of activity on bills important to the_ lesbian and gay community,” said P6" $5.03 (U.S.$) GOLDEN THREADS a contact publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love older women. l Canada and U.S. Confidential, warm. reIi- l able. For free information send seIf-ad- dressed envelope: (U.S. residents please stamp it). Sample copy mailed discreetly, P.O. Box 3177, Burlington, VT 0540] l ll ance of 1989. 3' l l