j Attention from page 1 l who are willing to learn desk top publishing l on Macintosh computers and spend one R saturday a month doing layout. No layout / or graphics art experience necessary! In L‘ fact we are looking for a new layout coor- \) dinator, we are losing our present coordina- tor. { You must act now! We don’t know how long the layout staff will last and ‘l without them- the paper does not come out! : Call 865-9759 evenings to find out more I about layout ’ 7) Photos/photographer- Whether you ) are a professional or hobbyist, we need pix ‘ for the paper. Or even if you don’t own a ) camera but are willing to spend some time hunting down current events photos, we could use you. You don’t have to live in the 1 Burlington area to do this job. 1 8) Envelope stuffmg/subscripLions/ . distn'bution- this is the last job before the I paper gets to you. We need someone will- ' ing to coordinate statewide bulk distribu- .; lion. (different from subscriptions) We ’ already have a mailing list we just need someone to mail the papers. We need people to help stuff subscrip- tion envelopes every month. Don’t have \ anything to do the last Friday of the month? -Come join our group and have a fun time ivvarelaxed atmosphere. People we know that you are out there- we know that you read the newspaper. Where else in this state can you get compre- hensive l/g natl news, l/g Vt politics, re- ) views and a nearly complete l/g calendar of events? To kick off this new publishing season v and to christen our office we are having an Open House at our office, 30 Elmwood Ave, Burlington from 7:30-9:30 pm on Friday, October 6th. We would like you to join us in celebration. Think about it, act on ltjoin OITM! _ éj_) —J , DESKTOP PUBLISHING STUDIO TYPE 8: DESIGN/WORKSHOPS/SELF-SERVICE Mavntavnvng from page 1 A DPA/HC is an easy legal document to obtain. The help of a lawyer is recom- mended, but is not necessary. The docu- ment can contain general or specific in- structions about what sorts of treatments you wish. It is recommended that you no- tify certain people about your wishes, in- cluding the person that you designate as your agent Also, a doctor can help you understand the issues involved and specific medical treatments and procedures. Fi- nally, although not required, talking with family members about your choices may help avoid disputes and misunderstand- ings. Of course, telling family members about a DPA/HC also may mean coming out to them. Perhaps on of the most difficult things to do in our lives is to face our mortality. To realize that this body and mind will one day not function at the same healthy level it is today, is to accept death as being part of nature. And to realize thatan accident could happen when it is least expected, propels us to consider the implications. What do we need to do in order to be treated according to our wishes? A Durable Power of Attor- ney for Health Care is one step in ensuring our wishes are met. The address of the Vermont Ethics Network: 102 South Main St., Waterbury, VT 05676 (802)241-2920. 863-1884 187 ST PA UL STREET October 1989 I :t',I4 Have your f homeownetvs lnsurance v} rates t gone through « the roof ‘3 v Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington 863-3808 /IIIstate® Allstate Insurance Company. Northbrook, IL