Out in the Mountains The Out in the Mountains Stafi’... L. 1‘ .\\‘ ...Celebrating their upcoming 2 month Vacation! Ire Time FOR Our IN rue MOUNTAINS‘ summer: VACATION... Commentary from page 11 for her. Express concern about what this will mean in her life, but don’t try to solve all the ramifications today. For now, the whole idea is to let her know that this has nothing to do with who §_l§ is, but every- thing to do with who you are. That no one is to “blame” and nothing can change it. Offer sympathy for the pain thisknowledge causes her, but do not apologize for being gay. Be ready and willing to gently repeat the words, “I love you and I’m gay,” as many times as it takes to get through her initial denial, one of the several stages she will now go through. Let her know you are ready to lovingly work together to cope SEE vou IN rue FALL! with the transition that will occur in your relationship. In the September issue: What reac- tions to expect from her. in italics K.K. Wilder is writingabook about women who love gay men. Write her at 17 N Champlain St. #3, Burlington, VT 05401 or call (802)658-0448. Tracer Continental sable Scorpio XR4Ti 14 NO $ DOWN !! 150 Used Cars and Trucks from $99 on UP Full Stock of 1989 Lincoln Mercurys Co or itall Marne in 2 irililccczrrcccmggl 100 Pearl Street, Essex Junction 879-1532 Dale Mead Business Manager A 6;? l LINCOLN Town Car Mark VII Topaz Grand Marquis Cougar 1’!!! new