Out in the Mountains x x \V\‘s\‘-ix xx»:-'s<<«\xx\\~<<\\~< ' _ '~;_< x < _ - \&.\~. N s . x organizational meetings JUNE 2' W.O.W. goes to B-town! Womyn's Dance at Pearls. Meet at Montpelier parking lot at 6:30 p.m., or see you at the dance! Er N.H. Gay Parents‘ Cookout. 4 p.m. for Mom's, Dad's, and kids. RSVP 528-5532 for directions and what to bring. W.O.W. meets AmeIla's Underground Flying Soci- ety. Potluck at 11 a.m., Chelsea, VT. It VT Gay and Lesbian Pride Benefit Dance at Pearls. 8 p.m.- closing. $3+ donations at the door. W.O.W. Vamos a center! Eat out Mexican. Call for details. 8' 107 Boston Lesbian and Gay Pride Day. 7 5th Annual Amel|a's Crystal Lake Beach Party. rt 168:1 7V N.H. Gay and lesbian Pride Rally & Day of Celebratlon."Live Free With Pride" (see below) W.O.W. Dykes Hike the Hump - Camel's, that is! Meet 9 a.m. at Richmond Commuter Lot. It 20th Anniversary of Stonewall Riots - NYC Lesbian and Gay Pride Day. V VT Lesbian and Gay Pride. "We are your friends and neighbors." (see below) V Names Quilt Show panels on display in Montpelier! (see below) 37 47 BY 97 17V 24V 4-9V 5th international Conference on AIDS at the Palais des Congres, Montreal, Quebec. The NAMES Project Quilt will be on display. l6-18V Northern NE Tradeswomen - 3rd Annual Conference. Workshops, hands-on training, networking, and entertain- ment. For info: "NNETW", 1 Prospect Ave., St. Johnsbury, VT - 748-3308. 17-18V 2nd Vermont Solidarity Conference: into the 90's. A statewide conference of social change organizers and activists. Castleton State College. Speakers, panels, work- shops. $35 - full conference, $8 - day fee. Contact: ‘VT Solidarity Conf.", P.O. Box 281, Montpelier, VT 05601, or call 229-0800 for info. Register by June 3rd. 24V NGLTF National Lobby Daysto coincide with lesbian and gay Pride activities and Stonewall Anniversary. Lobby for federal G/L rights legistlative agenda, and boost local activism. Write and/or phone legistlators. For action packet($5) or info: Peri Jude Radecic, Lobbyist, c/o "NGLTF", 1517 U St. NW, Wash., D.C. 20009. 30-7/3V 2nd Annual Anti-Homophobia Conference. UCLA. Or- ganized by the ‘Campaign to End Homophobia". Presen-~ tations, workshops, and extensive resource library to for- mally address homophobia education. For info: "Campaign to End Homophobia‘, P.O. Box 819, Cambridge, MA 02139. JULY ‘IV W.O.W. Brookfield BBO Join us and discover events to come this summer! Or, call 229-0109 to get times and dates for more W.O.W. adventures and FUN! Independence Day! N.H. Gay Parents Outing. Mom's and Dad's only for a day at Ogunquit Beach. Meet at 8 a.m. Stay until??? 47 8V 2-8V National Association of Black and White Men Together - 9th Annual Conference - "Make it Happen". Tallahasee, FL. lnteracial organization convenes for board of directors meeting, speakers, panels, workshops, awards banquet, and FUN. For info - 'NABWMT", 411 Chapel Drive, Box 226, Tall.,FL 32304-3321, or (904)681-9499. 97 Statewide Lesbian and Gay Coailtion Meetlng.10 a.m. South Royalton lnn. Call Keith Gosslant for info. It AUGUST 5V N.H. Gay Parents-Canoble Lake Park Mom's, Dad's, and kids. 10 a.m. Meet in the parking lot near the ticket entrance. Silent Vigil for Sharon Kowalski 12 noon. In front of the Statehouse in Montpelier. To offer help or for info, contact: Cathy G. Collins, P.O.Box 803, Montpelier. VT 05601, or call 229-9397. 14th Annual Michigan Womyn's Music Fest|vaI!!!! 7V OITM Article Deadline for September's issue. Send sulr missions to OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402 8 9V OITM Editing Meeting 7pm at the P&J Center. We're back and ready to make this paper happen. Join us! It 107 OITM Typing. Call 864-8259 for details. Keyboard wizards J welcome. 15V OITM General meeting 7pm at the P&J Center. We en- courage newcomers, sun-baked faces and opinionated. recourceful human beings to sign up! Help us plan the October issue and shape the future of your newspaper.“ “@3899 Vermont Area Resources back page At Glance Ongoing NAMES Project Foundation 1989 Quilt Tour The AIDS Memorial Quilt will travel across the US and Canada Large scale show in Montrreal 6/9-6/11. VT C.A.R.E.S. presents a small scale show, featuring about 100 panels from the Portland show and national tour, to be on display in Montpelier on VT Pride Day (6/ 24). For info call Steve at Vt C.A.R.E.S. - 863-2437. NYC National Museum of Lesbian and gay History Opens! Lesbian and Gay Services Center -208 W. 13th St. , New York, NY 10011 (212)620-7310. June See May Issue for additional listings 12 4 Boston From all Walks of Life - 4th Annual Pledgewalk to raise money for AIDS care and research. 8am -3:30pm 10+. walk, and a complimentary picnic for registered walkers. Radl_0 Simulcast - "That's what Friends are For" - live broadcast of this event from Liederrnan Field (the destination) at 2:36 pm. August Boston - 47th World Science Fiction Convention - Norea- scon 3 — The Gaylactic Network, an international organization ff}! gay people interested in science fiction and fantasy literature 15 organizing between 3-5 programs on G/L/B related themes tolif held during Noreascon 3. Interested? Write: "Gaylactic Network» 4' P.O. Box 1051, Back Bay Annex, Boston, MA 02117-1051 4j