-. "Honey, I Honey, I Love You and I’m Gay”: Preparing to Tell Her every detail of the moment you told her you were gay. Her mind and heart will retain the look on your face, the words you used, and the tone of your voice. She’ll record every- thing with the accuracy of a slow-motion camera. And she will remember for the rest of her life. It sounds dramatic and it is. Although you are finally coming to terms with your sexuality-- maybe you’re giddy with relief- - she is about to question her own and to see her world end as she knew it. She is losing, forever, the man she loved, the person she thought you were. And, although later she’ll come full circle and appreciate you in your entire truth, for today she will only hear news that will shake the foundation of her being. For that reason, prepare well. Tell her in a quiet time, in a place where you can be alone. If you have children, send them off for a visit. If you decide to tell her outside the home, take her somewhere new so that she won’t always acquaint a favorite loca- tion with the place you came out to her. by K.K. Wilder (Eds. Note: This is the third in a series on issues between gay men and the women who love them.) It’s time. Maybe you’re sick and tired of living the double life and must be free to explore your feelings for other men or die from the longing. Perhaps you’ve even found aman you love and no longer want to make your girlfriend or wife the unknow- ‘« ing participant in a menage-a-trois, espe- ‘ cially in these frightening days of AIDS. If you believe what I said last month-- that not telling her you’re gay keeps you both stuck in lonely closets-- then it’s time to tell her who you really are. Setting the scene for romance takes thought and preparation and so does plan- ning for this loving act. Just as everyone over forty can tell you where they were the so will the woman who loves you recall ovelloud I'm Gay": June 1989 Preparing to Tell Her make it a spot where it’ll be possible to talk and cry together, where she can rage and scream if she wants to, and where you won’tbe interrupted formany, many hours. Look inside; you know where the place should be. Rehearse what you will say. Voice it aloud to a friend or to yourself. Yes, that means you can't just let something instant pour out from your heart when you tell her. But this is a time as major to her as coming out to yourself was to you, so compassion, not impulsiveness, must be the key in choosing your initial words to her. There will be time later for the spontaneous inti- macy that will occur between you. Plan to tell her the truth, whatever your present truth may be. Never mind the de- tails of your homosexual experimentation if there has been any. Resist the desire to share your joy in your gayness, if you have gone that far in your growth. Instead, tell her of your struggle to accept your homo- sexuality, of the confusion you had in real- izing your gayness while still caring deeply (Continued on page 14) We 've got a new look 1 instant they heard John Kennedy was shot, \ Come in and Check it out. The Passion of Pearls "We are Your Friends and Neighbors" Benefit Dance for Gay Pride Iune 8th 8:30 pm - closing $3.00 Cover 135 Pearl Street Burlington, Vermont 11