J une 1989 Letters from page 3 during the war, and the Congressional ‘ Record holds the following information. Without the women, most of the men would have worn their clothing till itrotted on their ‘ backs. Without the women, they would have eaten unwisely and would have been sick. Without the women, many of the wounded simply would have been left to die. However, women pulled through it by sheer tenacity, often with rifles in their , hands, and surprisingly, many of them were excellent shots. Naturally, thousands of women came outof the war much tougher than when they went in. Tough enough to break into the “male only” legislature in every state to demand that the new Emancipation Procla- ' mation be obeyed. They required that the church laws of serfdom for wives be thrown out, and civil laws be passed to create a societal system. This system must ensure that no wife would ever be dragged into a waragain, and that no wife would ever have tosupport a husband again. It took till 1874, but they won it Contractual law had been perfected for more than a thousand years in order to make it workable for two parties, but the new system violated all national laws on agree- ments. It was never intended to be work- able, but it was the best that the women could get when they weren’t allowed to sign legal documents. It was an experiment - and still is. When the gay community presses for “legal” marriage, what they are pressing for is far from legal. It is required to meet every state’s laws on male “so1e support”, till death do you part - which is illegal - but being a gold mine for lawyers is quite enough to keep it as “legal” marriage. Feminist lawyers have tried for years to crack that nut, but the membership is still shouting them down. Gays who want marriage should go to the laws on contracts and do it legally. Then they can chuckle at all the straight sad-sacks who go blunder- ing on, wondering why their dreams crumble, and who snarl at gays for compli- cating the burlesque that passes for mar- riage. Let the lawyers feast on the straights, on the straight husbands who aren’t sole supports, on the straight wives who can legally refuse to work, or who can work and legally withhold their eamings from the family. That’s the legal burlesque that feeds lawyers. Good luck, Edgar de Santos ya ya: Shiatsu and Sivadislr Massage I‘/u,-rapi.<..‘ 397 St. Paul Street Burlington, VT 05401 Call For Appoirltment Forconfidenflal AIDS Information Ca" 1-8O0-882-A|DS . 323 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Walter I. Zeichner MA.C.P., N.C.C. Psychotherapy C3» Bodywork ”" Educational Consulting (802) 852-8507 353-5510 Insurance No Charge for Accepted David M. Ross, ACSW Certified Clinical Social Worker Individual, Couples & Group Therapy Deeply Respectful Appletree Bay Medical Center 1205 North Ave. Burlington, Vt. 05401 & 105 Hill St., Barre, Vt. 05641 Phone Consultation (302) 658-8070 (802) 479-2115