feedback form. To participate in the 1989 National Lobby Days, write or call Peri Jude Radecic atNGLTF 1517 U St. NW, DC 20009. HRCF Joins Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Abortion Case The Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF), joined 76 other organizations committed to women’s equaltiy in a friend- of-the-court brief supporting women’s right to reproductive freedom. The brief, prepared by the National Abortion Rights Action League and Women's Legal De- fense Fund, was filed in the U.S. Supreme Court case Webster v. Reproductive Health Services. The case- now being considered by the nation's highest court- addresses a Mis- souri statute that restricts women’s right to choose abortion. ’ HRCF’s participation in the amicus curiae brief in Webster reflects its con- tinuing commitment to work with organi- ~ zations dedicated to civil rights and the equaltiy of all persons. The American Civil Liberties Union, the National Abortion Rights Action League, the National Or- ganization for Women, and Planned Par- enthood are among the groups with which HRCF works on a wide range of legislative and political activities. Finding Resources For Gay Couples Gay and Lesbian couples looking for legal information, a couples support group, or a way to win domestic partnership bene- fits might start with a free list of resources available form Partners: The Newsletter For Gay & Lesbian Couples. Partners is an 8 page monthly containing news, inter- views and resource listings. Subscriptions cost $36 per year, $3 per sample issue. To receive acopy, senda self- addressed, stamped business-size envelope to: Partners Resource List, Box 9685, Seattle, WA 98109. NGLTF Releases National L&G Civil Rights Bill Lobbying Packet The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) released a lobbying packet for use by constituents and supporters of the federal Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights Bill. The bill, known as the Civil Rights Amend- ments Act of 1989, prohibits discrimination in employment, housing, public accommo- dation, and federally assisted programs on the basis of affectional or sexual orienta- tion. Copies of the N GLTF lobbying packet for the Civil Rights Amendments Act of 1989 may be ordered by writing to: NGLTF, Peri Jude Radecic, Legislative Publications Dept., 1517 U Street NW, Washington, DC 20009. \i0.M.~«~~I5.IMW~ 'hW;.ll.'I".lv'I""Fi.."<').r.__At:::ii”;§._ 'i3'i'=j NEILILLER "Neil Miller writes with passion and understanding in a fine vivid style. This is an important book, a needed l700l<, and should be read by every Citizen of the United States... —May Sarton In Search of Gay America is a rich and thought—provoking account of contemporary changes in the lives of lesbians and gay men. We carry a complete selection of books of special interest to the lesbian and gay communities. BOOKSELLERS One Church Street Marketplace, Burlington. 862-4332 ; //‘< Have your homeowne T insurance rates ne thggugh the roof ‘.3 . K4 l Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington 863-3808 /Illstatee Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook. IL June 1989