rtters from page 2 risk to infection. Examine this scenario: A lesbian couple have oral sex every time may make love. One is HIV+ and doesn’t know it. The other partner is exposing her- self to the virus quite often. Now how low is the partrier’s risk? I cannot agree with some of the criteria mat Ms. Kutzko sets for lesbians to deter- l mine their relative risk. I think her state- ment that “if your lover has not had sex with man in over 5 years... your risk is very low,” is dangerous. I don’t understand how Ms. Kutzko can set an AIDS incubation . period of 5 years when it has been deter- mined that the mean AIDS incubation pe- - riod is between 7-9 years (Lancet, March 18,1989 p. 627). Also, Ms. Kutzko says if your lover does not use I.V. drugs your risk islow. What about your lover’s past? Again the incubation period plays a factor in de- termining relative risk. While Ms. Kutzko describes my state- ment “Know your partner” as a platitude, I must say that in reference to lesbianism it has rarely been said. In fact, it has been non- existent in the state of Vermont. 1 too want to be able to give clear 1 information but there isn’t much help from [ = the scientific community. I would like to challenge Ms. Kutzko and the Vermont Department of Health to help lesbians by allocating dollars to VT C.A.R.E.S. for lesbian AIDS information and sexuality awareness sessions. Sincerely, Mimi DeSouza i I 4 i ./ l DearEditor, This letter is in response to Senator lohn McClaughry’s feelings that passage of bill H211 would result in “gay prefer- it \ence” laws, policies, and court cases. His l ttgument is based on a totally absurd prem- tiethat the Civil Rights Movement led to "Special legally mandated privileges for I DESKTOP PUBLISHING STUDIO l TYPE 8r DESIGN/WORKSHOPS/SELF-SERVICE disadvantaged groups”. What specially mandated privileges is he talking about? According to the 1988 edition of the Statistical Abstract of the U.S., in 1985 the infant mortality rate for White babies was 9.3% compared to 18.2% for Black babies. In 1986, 11% of White people were living below the poverty level compared to 27.3% of those from Spanish origin and 31.1% for Black people. 16.5% of White children under the age of 16 were living below the poverty level compared to 43.8% of Black children. For White males and females between the ages of 16-19, the percentage of those who were unemployed was 16.3% and 14.9% respectively. For Black males and females 39.3% and 39.2% respectively. For White males and females between the ages of 25-34, 5.8% and 6.1% compared to 13.5% and 14.6% for Black males and females. The median income for White families was $26,175, $18,352 for families of Spanish origin, and $15,080 for Black families. The members of Congress in 1987 were made up of 412 male repre- sentatives, 23 female representatives, 23 Black representatives, 98 male senators, 2 female senators and 2 Black senators. These statistics are clear indications that people of color do not have the same economic, political or health advantages] privileges as white people do. I am appalled that one of our legislators could be so mis- informed. Why are Senator McClaughry and the other legislators who voted against H211 so ignorant of the facts? Gwen Shervington To the editor, Another legislative session is over, and by an 86-55 vote, H.211, the sexual orien- tation bill is still not law. Many of you are angry, some of you are scared, but all of you can be proud of the advancements made in the fight for equal protection. For the first time, not only did we have a clear “yes and no” vote on the 8663-1884 187 ST PAUL STREET June 1989 bill; but if we include supporters who were absent that day, there are now 60 sound votes against discrimination. That’s only 16 votes short of passage-but more impor- tantly, it’s twice the number of supporters over last year! Debate on the floor of the house was by and large civil; and thanks to the tireless work of many people including Keith Goslant, Holly Perdue, and Tim Mazure from the A.C.L.U. , there were a dozen or so positive votes from members we had no idea would ever support the bill. I’m not saying things are great. We will have to keep working, keep fighting for that protection; but for right now take heart and pat yourselves on the back, 60 votes isn’tbad. I think we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sincerely, Representative Ben Truman Burlington Dear Editor: Your April editorial, “Power and Re- sponsibility”, exhibits a level of maturity seldom met. I also read with interest Christine Burton’s piece titled, “Look Ma, No Boots”, and saw how a senior gay woman had shared some of my experiences as a senior straight male. It isn’t as odd as it sounds. Vermont ETV had a “Hot Line” pro- gram on divorce in 1985 which bothered me sufficiently to make my first call to a viewer response program. In the nine, and a half minutes thatl managed to stay on, the following is part of whatl explained to the panel. During the Civil War, thousands of soldiers took their wives with them. After- ward, Congress ordered many of the offi- cers to testify as to what had occurred (Continued onpage 7) Workshop: Women Loving Women Exploring Love and Relationship Deanna Alpert 0 C_CSW Pathways 323 Pearl Street Burlington, VT 05401 Insurance Benefits 862.0836 Accepted