Out in the Mountains from page 1 According to Bekah Perks, a spokes- person for Outright Vermont, there is very little support in high schools for gay, les- bian, or bisexual teenagers or those ques- tioning their sexuality. Kids have reported being beaten up, harassed and ostracized. Perks explained the feelings of fear and loss of self-esteem that occur when gay teens are surrounded on a daily basis by rampant homophobia - including derogatory state- ments, physical threats and a lack of any positive images of gay people. Further- more, issues around sexuality are often associated with teen suicides, alcohol/drug abuse, and runaways. Through this program, Outright Ver- mont hopes to change the atmosphere for teenage sexual minorities. They feel it is important to connect with teenagers, let them know that there are positive adult role models out there, and give them informa- tion to which they may not otherwise have access. Being visible for teenagers may help decrease feelings of fear and isolation. Creating an environment where educators can be supportive and sympathetic to gay teenagers is also a part of their agenda. The group is presently working on getting funding, writing grants and more formulating the specifics of their outreach program. Perks explained that they would eventually like to hire a coordinator to do the actual outreach work, training, and organizing of volunteers. Future plans also include the possibility of a state-wide hot- line, support for teens, and a central loca- tion where teenagers may have access to books, films, and information. Anyone interested in participating in Outright Vermont is invited to attend the next meeting. People of all ages and sexual orientation are welcome. The group meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. For more information, write Out- right VT, PO Box 4175, Burl. VT 05406- 4 175 . Health from page 7 So along with the new language of the ‘90’s comes a term for the “dental dam.” Submissions so far have included “labia leaf,” “Venus veil,” “bikini betweenie,” and “condone.” The term needs to be accessible and applicable to all women--straight, les- bian or bi-sexual. Any entrant requesting one will be sent a dam. There is a grand prize of adeluxe vibrator andasecondprize of For-Play lubricant, which contains non- yxonol-9, an agent which kills HIV. The deadline for entries is May 15, 1989. Send yours in to ACT UP Cuntest, 496A Hudson St., Suite G4, New York, NY 10014. from page 1 and feels even worse to someone you love willbehurt by your sharing the truth of you; very being. But coming out to the woman who loves you is an act of affection as valid as anything you’ve ever shared with her. . Eventually, she’ll realize that. No matter what happens between you : from now on, you can know you came from a place of trust, honesty, and love. So much of your future relationship together willbe based on how you handle this situation. Next time, I'll discuss the best way to tell her. K K Wilder is a freelance writer work- ing on a book tentatively titled: I_V_Qt_,§o_Qg1; . Write her at 1 7N Champlain #3, Burlington, VT 05401 or write 802-658-0448. mentfrompage 11 about how goddess worship brings out the animal in me). When I'm trying to incite evolution, true liberation for all of us, I talk about how different the world would be. (I don’ t talk about how even lesbian feminists batter their lovers and kids.) This sort of propaganda can be very effective in chang- ing oppressive attitudes. B ut when I pickup OI'IM, I’m looking for the whole pict11re.I want us queers to be talking to ourselves, about whatever we want to, freely. Tracer Continental sable Scorpio XR4Ti 14 %) Ca oiit@|| Llmrnc: me an NO $ DOWN !! 150 Used Cars and Trucks from $99 on UP Full Stock of 1989 Lincoln Mercurys Dale Mead Business Manager 100 Pearl Street, Essex Junction 879-1532 T I MERCURY @ @:Z(r@twJ(rr@ii Town Car Mark VII Topaz Grand Marquis Cougar THE new