Out in the Mountains special events 5' Intergrlty's 10th Anniversary Celebration Evening starts at 5:15 pm, Social hour 6-7, potluck 7 and com- pline after dinner. Call 864-7198 for more info.w 77 W.O.W.'s Edible Exotic Entrees Ever so Esoteric (Ethnic Potluck) 4pmI? 7' Halr-Cut-A-Thon 11am-5pm at Upper Cut, 15 Center St, Burl. $15 donation to benefit VT C.A.R.E.S. No appt. NecessaryE' 57 Lambda Legal Defense 15th Annlv. Celebration. Town Hall Gala (see below). 107 "Women's Movement in the '90's" 7-9pm Free Con- tois Aud., City Hall Burlington Women's Council? 167 W.O.W. Llve Dangerously; Potluck and movie Montpelier 6:15 pm. Call for info.l!' 24' "Posltlvely Lesbian" 7-9pm Free Contois Aud, City Hall, Burl,. Burl Women's Council? 247 w.o.w. Scruples: Who Has Them? Meet, play and find out.I!' 26-297 NAMES Project Oullt Display In Portland, ME Be- gins. (see below) 287 6th Annual lntl AIDS Candlelight Memorial (see At A Glance Ongoing NAMES Project Foundation 1989 Quilt Tour The AIDS Memorial Quilt will travel across the US and Canada. This five month tour intends to bring the quilt to twenty North American cities. Cities and date near us include: Rochester, NY 5/19-5/21; Portland, ME 5/26-S/29; and Montreal 6/9-6/11. The NAMES Project needs to raise money for the tour. For more info, contact "NAMES Project", P.O. Box 14573, San Francisco CA 94114 (415)863-5511. May 6-7 Keene, NH AIDS Information and Buddy/Volunteer Training 8:30 am-5pm Antioch, Roxbury St. Sat-open to the general public to learn more about AIDS. Sun- Training for car- egivers. Buddies and volunteers must attend both sessions. Cost Sat-$6, Sat& Sun- $20- includes materials and lunch. For info: Family Planning Services 29 Center St, Keene, NH 03431, (603)351-6898 or (603)357-3093. 8 NYC Lambda Legal Defense 15th Anniv. Celebration 8 pm Town Hall. "Commemorative Cabaret", Liberty Awards pres- entation, pre-perforrnance reception for benefactors. For tickets ($25), contact : lambda Legal Defence and Educational Fund, Inc. , 666 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. For info, call (212)370- 5804 or (212)582-8714. 12-14 Cambridge, MA 5th Annual Conference on Bisexu- ality, Harvard, Boylston Hall. "on Culture, Community, arld Coa- lition Building" to provide a safe and celebratory context to reaffirm the strength of the bisexual community and identity. Workshops and activities. Cost -$40 For info ECBN/Conference, PO Box 1645, Cambridge, MA 02238. 26-29 Presque Isle, ME Maine L& G symposium XVI. Univ. of ME. "Stonewall 20: A Celebration" Speakers, films, dances, entertainment, workshops and panel discussion. Five reg- istration plans from $15-75. For info: Symposium XVI, PO Box 990, Caribou, ME 04736, (207)498-2088. 12 organizational meetings 6-77 AIDS Information and Buddy Tralnlng. Antioch N.E. Graduate School (see below). 7 OITM Artlcle Deadline for June Issue. Send your sub- missions to OITM, Box 177, Burl. VT, 05402 OITM ,‘ 97 Editing Meeting. 7 p.m. at the P&J Center. Help us shape your paperl? . 12"4V 5th Annual Conference on Bisexuality Harvard Uni- versity (see below) 7 W.O.W. Planning Session for Summer! BBQ 11 am 2549' 10th Annual G & L Parenting Coalition International l Conference (see below) I 25497 tI)llallne) L&GSymposIum XVl.University of Maine. (see l e ow Essa Vermont Area Resources back pa e 28 Worldwide 6th Annual AIDS Candlelight Memorial,’ Services, marches, vigils, and other programs of grief, love, anger and concern. For local observance, contact VT CARES at (802)863-2437. June 2 WAshington, DC Lambda Literary Awards. Hyatt Re gency. Cocktails 6pm, Dinner and awards 7pm, party at "Tracks" to I follow. For tickets ($50) or info: Lambda Rising, 1625 Connecticut ll Ave, Wash. DC, 20009-1013, (202)462-6969. l 4-9 Montreal. 5th International Conference on AIDS NAMES Quilt on display 7-20 NYC New York International Festival of L & G Film. 14 consecutive days of lesbian and gay fihns from around the world Cineplex-Odeon Theatre. 16-18 Provincetown, MA 3rd Annual Golden Threads Celebration Holiday Inn For lesbians over 50 and women whoale ‘ interested in older women, to celebrate their lives and age. Banquet and stories with slides of Lesbian Erotica. For info: Christine Burton, Golden ‘Threads, PO Box 3177, Burl, VT 05401-0031 16&17 N.H. Lesbian and Gay Pride Celebration. Fri. eve- ning- rally and Heather Bishop Concert, NH State House, Concord. NH-Free. Sat.— Speakers, workshops, booths for artists, organiltt . tions and vendors, performances by Lucie Blue Tromblay, Roma- l novsky and Phillips and Kate Clinton. $15, Sat. Nite D.J. Dance$5, ‘ to reserve booth space $20 or more info. NH Pride Comm, P0301 396, Danville, NH03819, orcaHJack (603)669-0096 orFlora(503) 382-9308. ' 24 vr Lesbian and Gay Pride Celebration. "We are ll°“‘ I Neighbors" The festivites will begin at noon, in Montpelier. Help ' is needed to plan the event, with security, Banner paintingvf raisers, etc. Contact: Ronnie, "VT Coaliton of Lesbians and Gil Men", P.O. Box 1125, Montpelier, VT 05602 or at 223-0338. 24 NYC National Museum of Lesbian and gay HiSl°"7 Opens! Lesbian and Gay Services Center -208 W. 13th St .N°‘” ’ York, NY 10011 (212)620-7310. ,4 1