-7—r»iaRe-<'~< =-.2»:-r.-.=:..a-35:‘-7s_ E'¥§=.> -T-us «:..§.-.—- next yeah” Peggy Luhrs, angry about the intoler- ance of the American Freedom Coalition and their campaign against us said, “I am fired of their God of vengence who sits on high watching people’s genitals while blessing wars all over the worl .” Arte Foster explained how when he asked Rep. Richard Smith (R-Danville), why he opposed the bill so vehemently he responded ”because I do not support cock- suckers.” FrankCutler stood up and shouted “I object to his use of that word,” which drew more warnings from Daven- rt. Po Howard Russell asked” is the removal of a special burden the same as granting special priviledge?” Robin Hopps pointed out that dis- crimination, like pollution, is accepted as inevitable by society, but said ”discn'rnina- tion is pollution of the heart and mind,” and wamed us that we must eradicate it from our society. Alice Blodgett, a septegenarian summed it up beautifully when she said, “What a dull world it wouldbe if everybody had to be thesame... Love is the thing that matters and we all know it.” Two people who testified for the bill did— an exceptional job of capturing the essence of what we are fighting for. Ex- cerpts of their testimony follow. Dr. Jean Silva: When I started my practice in Waltham, I had nothing to my him but my school loans. The bank was willing to loan money, but without collat- eral, tenn life insurance was required. This was not unreasonable. The man fromCon- necticut General was very nice, very friendly, but the small print says, “No homosexuals need apply.” No insurnace, no loan; no loan, no practice; no practice, no job. By this time, I was helping to sup- P011 myparents. I lied. I denied a piece of myself that- ii it 9 ‘S i‘ ci was no one’s business but my own. I have } been ashamed ever since. No matter what , loudecide about bill H21 1, I’m risking my l J05. my family and the fear of my neigh- bors. I’m risking the loss of my gay friends that now will be too afraid to be seen with geegiut I’m no longer risking my self re- Peter Wagner of Lyndon: If enacted I K into law [this bill] will effect almost every 1 i l I : 4flm area of my life. Without it, I am injured 0st every day. Because, you see, I am a l1eterosexua1_ J Because I am a heterosexual, I am also beneficiary of ill-gotten gains. time rental is denied on the basis of sexual orientation, my housing opportunities in- crease. The scar,’ -+lain3 is -lrhtsf Jon‘? almqs Nu“ (Stephen K num r of housing umts. Every (Continued on Page 15) ,F‘r\ /’ fl as %j7[."'."') §:3,~/ ti 7 V‘ -Hncir buttons - & Burns Taft Corners Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-64 13 hair and nail care -— cosmetics cdfibtmfatiitl/t'ew‘ ANIMAL INN ‘Your Best Friend‘ s Home Away From Home" DOG & CAT BOARDING -Modern indoor-outdoor runs 0 Separate cat room -24 hour supervision by Iiscensed Animal Health Technician PROFESSIONAL ALL BREED DOG & CAT GROOMING -From Perfect Poodles to Marvelous Mutts OBEDIENCE CLASSES -Consultations For Behavioral Problems DOG FOOD & PET SUPPLIES AVAILABLE Carol Skow& Claudia Cook 524-4574 Fairfax, Vt