9- 1}’ W Out‘ in the Mountains Join The Fight NAMES Project Nobel Nmee P H « _ Y the chant Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi and '0 be Pa“ °f the Pr°P3m“°“S f°r the Owl Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., wrote to the b°‘di5P13Y'a“dt°S°°Sa“F’a“°iS°°-Iflln S o - . upp rt Nobel Committee to officially nominate w°“1d hke ‘° °ff°’ any am°““t_°f “mi The Vermont the San Francisco—based NAMES Project £1368 6<;e1:9t6l‘te Velnnteer eeennnetort - - ° A for the Nobel Peace Prize. ' - Coalition of Lesbians and In than Inner to me Norwegian Conn Gay Men mittee, the Congresswomen wrote, “Re- l membefiflg 31039 W110 WW6 died Of AIDS Lambda Files Domestic Partner Betti inspires action to fight the epidemic and no fits challenge in Minneapolis in their work to pass legislation L’-°>P°“d $iEH§g’“P‘=‘5Si°“ ‘° “‘°-5° “°“’ Lambdal-egal Defense andlidncatioi - - ‘V318 Wi 7' Fund announced today the filing of a let guaranteeing equal rights to Recognizing the nnivensai message of tinny pmenem_sem.ng cnanenge 1:: In Lesbians and Gay men in Ver- the Quilt, the World Health Organization iafnsai by me Minneapolis Libian, Ban mont and insuring protection lfastdillliear ewatded the NAMES Pftgehct toextend health carebenefitstothedomet - ll“ 8 10 °0m1n|l° its PFCSCWIUOHS 0 6 tic partners of tluee lesbian employees.'l'li for People and H |V+ Quilt in foreign C0lll'ltI’iCS, as well as assis- comp]ajn[swerefiledwifl1theMinneapo1'i per50n5- Contnbute to our W109 f°1' 316 013350“ Of Similar P_1’0.l°CtS Department of Civil Rights after exteiisiii cau se and add you r name to ou r annlnd the W0I1d- The NAMES Proleet has negotiations with the Library Board failel - - - Chapters in West Germany. Great Britain. Lambda represents three lesbianll mailing list. We need your help. Canada’ Ansnana and Bmn b . Swhoclaim thmhedennn omen. Yes, I Want t0 be 3 Part of Requests and enC0|1l’38ement f0f|'n insurance to their domestic partnersvlo making Vermont safer for Gays glellndthe W0r1d_ha\;:dpI1;I0mpted:<‘;)1§T0be1 lates the city ordinance banning disctin ' 6306 Pflze-n0m1t13 -A-MES JBCWO nation on tliebasis of sexualorientationail and LeSk?'_anS' _Add my name to mobilize its national networkof volunteers niai-iia1sianis_Li1;emostemp1oyniennni our mailin list to display the AIDS Memorial Quilt this gig; the Minnaa iis Lib Board a 8 . , _ . po rary Accept my contribution of 0°'°b°’ 1“ w3S'““3‘°“~ D-Q Th?’ 3"‘ tends healthcareeoverageto the spouted! t h I .th nouncement came on the daytheQu1lt left its hetcfosexual einpioyees, but no” -——— 0 e p W' expenses San Francisco for a 5-month tour of 19 unman-ied pannei-S, and general coalition building cities throughout the United States and «in a society where onaniiniof. efforts C3n3d3- _ _ employee's compensation consistsil ' The 0°t0be1’ d1SP13Y 13 CXP°°‘t’-d t0 benefits, most of which is insurance,evtl iI'lC1lld6 more than l2,00() 3'X6' gay and Se Add VT R P . . . e fess on esources age panels. Tins IS one third larger than the counuy is essemiaiiy paid iess manila Name —_:_— number inctudedin 198s.and6times the married, heterosexual countetpaitwhogl Address size of the inaugural displayin 1987. De-ad— these benefits for their partners. It is njt line for submission of panels for the Wash- and inhumane to value some individual n Ph n W810“ dislnay is Allgltst 1st, 1939- health care more than other,” said Paiilal ; ° e ———-————— Prepanng the Quilt for the Washing- Ettelbrick, Lambda’s Legal Directotlll 3 ton, D.C. display on October 6-8, 1989 will iead attorney on the casa 1 require the efforts of hundreds of vo1un- I teers over the next six n_ttonths- The Federal AZT Subsidy Receives $5Mil l NAMES Project needs part—time and full- [ion 3005; from HHS 1 THANK YOU! time volunteers in the San Francisco work- The Depanniant of Heami and Hum l ‘ iléop from now through the end of Septem- Services (HHS) has reprogrammed l‘ l 1--— 1'- 'l1i n ' AIDS Computer System For Sale The NAMES Project cannot be re- :.1,lbs§iyt:,§’;:",,? emu: Eidlfygallowénfi i Half the proctiedg the sale to sponsible for your transportation, housing individuals pin-chase naannenis far All i go 0 . i IBM Compatible a Expandable GOLDEN THREADS 730" Ram a contact‘ publication for lesbians 251/4" H099)’ disk drives over 50 and women who love Clock/Calendar ' older Women Samsung Amber Monitor ’ Multifunction card Conodo and U.S. Confidential, worm, reli- Para||e| g, senai pans able. For free Information _send self-od- Game port dressed envelope: (U.S. residents please Colon Graphics Card gtggnoinufln $S)omple copy moiled discreetly. Askin 800 ‘ ‘ ' Write P.O. Box Burlington, VT P.O. Box 3177, Burlington, VT 05401 05402 or call 865-9759 for more info. __2. 4