Ask Aunt Gay J Dear Aunt Gay, Ilike to get going in the morning, but l my lover sleeps till noon, and 1l_1_gm she ' wants to cuddle! I don’t necessarily want to change her habits, but morning is my best time. Do you think we can work it out? Any suggestions? Dear Get Going, Of course! This sounds like a case of *' complementary differences. Trying talking I ( with your sleeper. See if she’s willing to it stuff earplugs in when you get up. Not 1 I worrying about your noise level, you might ) accomplish so much that by noon you’d be l* ready to take a break. ! If you consider that sleeping people s, are often processing on a deep level, you F ‘. could see mornings as best times for both of ‘,2 you! Dear Aunt Gay, Does it bother you if I use your space to sound off? It’s about homosexuality in animals. Don’t people know that lots of animals act queer? Living in the country it’s hard to miss. Winter nights, my male duck tumbles around in the hay with his parts hanging out, chasing another drake. My neighbor’s dog, a female, has a loyal girlfriend. I’ve seen stallions on each other too, and I’ve heard about wild birds in lifetime lesbian partnerships. How do dairy farmers know when their cows are ready to breed? Other cows are jumping on them. Licking tongues and protruding parts don’t lie. The point is, we’re just as natural as the breeders. Thanks. Dear Natural, It doesn’t bother me a bit. You’re welcome. 1 l f. D 1. » @FA|RNEss airness. That's all we're asking for. Protection from unfair discrimination in jobs and housing. An end to anti—gay violence. Immigration reform. Defeat of bigoted laws denying human dignity and equal justice to lesbians and gay men. , It isn’t too much to ask. But far-right zealots have flooded Congress with anti-gay mail and we lose too often. You can change this. FIGHT BACK FOR FAIR/VESS. CALL 1-800-257-4900 Choose a prepared mailgram. Only $4.50 each, charged to your telephone. ll‘ you don't know who your legislator is. the operator does. CALL NOW! The Spmli Out niuiltrrutn emiipaiggn is sponsored In theglluman ‘Rights (I;inipalg:n l-‘und. For further info. (‘t)lll£l(‘l the Field l)ivi.s'|on, llR(.l-, l’.(). Box l ‘ Send Congress {I mtssage. Ask for Operator 9188. I 113%. llasltiiigtoii. l)lL. 2(ll)l.'l or call (202) 628-4l6(>. G I; "Coming Out Part II" So, my friends, you’ve survived the ICRAI’s “Whew,” you say...Not so fast! Insatiable curiosity flows through the vacant brain cells of those with limited imaginations. It rushes through the minds of younger siblings, crass relatives, med- dling friends, and idiots. It circumvents consciousness and the intricate mecha- nisms of thought and cooth. Without wam— ing comes a verbal explosion so disarming our disbelief is matched only by the gall or embarrassment (fat chance) of its source. So goes the cerebral dysfunction of those who ask, “What do you do?” (Give me a break! ...I mean...well...'I'HINK about it!...Never mind). In the absence of Scotty and hopes of beaming elsewhere - tell them. “I’m a carpenter, plumber, doctor, lawyer, caseworker for “Sexually Free America”, etc.” M “Come on. You know what I mean...What do you DO?” (Lesbians have horns, gay men tails, and of course WE’RE from a different planet). “Oh. You mean Lesbians and gay men. Well, we work, play, eat, sleep...” “No. No. What do you do TO- GETHER?” (This bugger is really pushy). “We meet, talk, go to parties, dance, sing, march, work for equal rights..." “But as a couple - you know...TWO of you together?” (Is this a cloister case or what?) “We meet, date, fall in love, live to- gether, live apart, make commitments, raise children...” “But, what do you DO?” (Hey and what do you DO!) “Ohhh...You mean SEX. (I’m talking snide here. This mucous membrane de- serves it!) The same things you do only with indoor plumbing (Lesbians), outdoor plumbing (Gay Men).” If this turkey turd persists, direct him/ her to the nearest phone booth, dial Dr. Ruth, and cement the door shut! (Ha!) Later... Love ya, Me 0. 15 1989