by Gilles l A large and enthusiastic audience par- ticipated and was “sweet” (joined in the i activity) at KWANZAA!’s celebration of V Black History Month, at Burlington’s City ‘, Hall on February 24th. “Diaspora” means | the dispersal of a people into other coun- tries. And so the nine very talented artists i sang, drummed, danced, chanted, and re- 1 cited poetry from several African peoples (with origins in Sudanese Ghana, Da- homey, Senegal, and Egypt). They then ‘ proceeded to Greece, Palestine, Brazil, l Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, and the U.S.A. The above list, however impressive, cannot adequately describe the wealth of thoughts and emotions, the abundance of T instrumentation, the great diversity and . depth of creativity, the evocation of deep feelings experienced by the African peoples everywhere, which the KWAN- ( ZAA! Percussion Ensemble brought to us I in a moving, organic series of representa- tive and welhexplained vignettes. One could rhapsodize and rave and go ‘ into much well-deserved detail. But you, dear reader, simply owe it to yourself to see, Kwanzaa! and the Dias pora hear, and join in for yourself--the very next time you find out about a KWANZAA! loving, lovely event. non-white, non-male, non-conformist people? Until she died and a friend shared a brief article about her from an obscure music publication, I had never heard of Billy Tipton. All Iknow of her is a page and a half of journalism and the beaming face of a bright young band leader juxtaposed to the sad, contemplative face of an aging musician. I really know nothing about her but my imagination is drawn to reach out and fill in the blanks. I feel a kinship and an empathy. I feel her pain and her desperate wish to be accepted and loved as beautiful by the world just as she truly was. That is all any of us want. When will we know what I1laLf$‘&1$ like? Networkfrom page 1 that works and pitfalls to avoid. During the coming issues of OITM, I will share some of the “how-to’s” I have gathered from my research participants: How to Prepare Yourself for Coming Out to Her; How to Tell Her You Are Gay; How to Help Each Other Through the Transition; How, When, and What to Tell the Children; What Your Children Say; and Where to Find Help. K .K Wilder is a Vermont freelance writer, currently working on a book tenta- tively titled, Ngt SQ (fay; Womn Who Love Gay Men. To participate in her research, write to her at] 7N Champlain #3 ,Burling- ton, VT05401 or call 802-658-0448. l t l 20 Elliot Street Brattleboro, Vermont A Dflnstairs in the old church COL RS April 6 & 7- Peeper's Court April 13 & 14- Dr. Ruth Wristenheinie April 20 & 21- The Goodnight Show April 27 & 28- Miami Dykes (302) 254-8646 Don't Stay Home & Watch T.V. in April- See Your Favorite Shows Live at Colors! 2 Shows a Week! Thursdays at 9 pm Fridays at 10pm April 1989