-- Out in the Mountains When a group of teenagers in San Francisco dragged David Johnson from his car in a superinarketparking lot, they did so solely because he was a homosexual. They called him a “diseased faggot,” beat him with their skateboards, broke his jaw and three ribs, gashed his head and bruised his kidneys. David Johnson is just one of the thou- sands of victims of the anti-gay violence that has been growing at an alarming rate during the past several years. On February 22 legislation was reintroduced in the US Congress to take the first steps toward ending the national epidemic of hatred and “crimes of bias.” The Hate Crimes Statistics Actof 1988 (HR 947) was introduced in the House by cosponsors John Conyers (D-MI), Barbara Kennelly (D-CT) and Hamilton Fish (R- NY). The bill is expected to be introduced in the Senate in the near future by Paul Simon (D-IL) and Orrin Hatch(R-UT). The Hate Crimes Statistics Act re- quires the Justice Department to collect comprehensive national data on crimes of prejudice committed because of race, reli- gion, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Incidents of hate crimes against gays and lesbians have risen dramatically during Hate Crimes Bill Back in the U.S. House the 1980’s. Recent attacks on homosexuals and other minorities by “skin-hea ” and other gangs have received national atten- tion. Groups that monitor acts of violence against gays estimate that up to 80% of “gay bashing” cases go unreported. Last year, the Hate Crimes bill passed by an overwhelming vote of 383 to 29 in the House of Representatives, after members rejected attempts to remove gays and lesbi- ans from the bill. This was the first piece of pro-gay legislation passed in the history of the US Congress. However the bill was killed in the Senate after threats by Jesse Helms (R-NC) to gut the bill with anti-gay amendments. Activists are predicting a vote on this year’ s version within the next few months. Gays and lesbians can send congress a message by calling the toll-free mailgram Action Hotline, 1-fim-251-425:1), Qpgrgtqr £83. Ask for the “Hate Crimes” messages. Mailgrams cost $4.50 each to send, billed to your phone. The Hotline is spon- sored by the Human Rights Campaign Fund’s Field Division. If callers don’t know their congresspersons, the operator does. Certified Rolfer Ms._ and appointments. 865-4770 is pleased to introduce OUR NEW ASSOCIATE Iginia Boccalandro ROLFING ASSOCITES B ccalandro is _now availab e _for consultations skeletal comfort, posture, flexibility and energy. * /Iigif/:ari1yc:fia:)pe°rt:fi: