The Board of Directors of Vermont Committee for AIDS Resources, Educa- [ion and Services (VT C.A.R.E.S.) an- nounces the appointment of Lauren Corbett to the position of Executive Director after a national search. Corbett comes to Vermont C.A.R.E.S. from the Topeka, Kansas AIDS Project where she was employed as clinical director. V “Vermont C.A.R.E.S. has established Fight Back - Toll Free! Thanks to the new Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF) mailgram “Ac- tion Hotlines,” lesbians and gay men can increase the volume of mail to Congress and influence vital AIDS and civil rights legislation. The Action Hotline is the first step in a new HRCF campaign called the Speak Out program. Speak Outis designed to dramati- cally increase pressure on Capitol Hill us- ing hotlines and other strategies to be an- nounced in the near future. There are two toll-free mailgram hot- lines in operation, one is for AIDS the other is for civil rights and fairness issues. Both hotlines have the same 800 number but different operators. To send a mailgram, callers dial, without charge, 1-800-257- 4900 (day or night) and ask for either Operator 9184 for AIDS messages or Q «P W CARES Pick N April 1989 ew Director a solid base of support for Vermonters impacted by the AIDS epidemic. I look forward to continuing the positive rela- tionship VT C.A.R.E.S. has set up with other organizations throughout the state who are working together to combat this epidemic,” said Corbett. For further infonnation contact 863- 2437. Foroonfidenfial AIDS Information Operator 9188 for lesbian and gay rights messages. The operator will read three 50- word messages on Congressional issues identified by HRCF as targets for grass- roots pressure. The mailgrarn’s cost $4.50 each (ad- ditional mailgrams are $4) and are charged to the caller’s telephone bill. The prepared mailgrams can be changed by HRCF on a regular basis to coordinate with legislative priorities and strategy. ’ Lesbians and gay men are urged to contact their congresspersons to encour- age them to support the recently intro- duced Hate Crimes Statistics Act (see re- lated article on page 8 and AD on page 15). CaH 1-800-882-AIDS goyce wriggs Shiatsu and Swedish Massage Therapist 397 St. Paul Street Burlington, VT 05401 Call For Appointment (802) 862-8507 0 vegetarian - Non-Dairy Cooking 0 in Your Home on: WORLD RODID Hoops 863-3148 also Available: Nutritional Counselina. Cookine Lessons. shiatsu Massage Insurance No Charge for Accepted Phone Consultation David M. Ross, ACSW Certified Clinical Social Worker Individual, Couples & Group Therapy Deeply Respectful 0. Appletree Bay Medical Center 1205 North Ave. Burlington, Vt. 05401 (802) 658-8070 & 105 Hill St., Barre, Vt. 05641 (802) 479-2115