Letters from page 2 sexuality is a part of, not wholly, me. I concede that Agntgiay is one partand not wholly OITM. Yet there is one major difference. OITM is a public paper that circulates freely (by virtue of its distribu- (ion). As one person, I am able to exercise discretion about whatl share of my life with whom. OlTM’s only means for exercising this discretion is by withholding that which would be a disservice to Vermont gays and lesbians. Sexual material made public, aside from what is deemed necessary for health concerns, detracts from who we are as whole, loving, and good people. Isn’t that what its all about. Yes, perhaps this creates a boring, homogeneous, and asexual paper, but it is a responsible measure for “celebrating our goodness and diversity." It is not denying our sexual selves, as much as it is prevent- ing an opportunity for further exploitation. ; This is an omission of wisdom, notprudish- . ness, or fear. It is no secret that we are sexual beings. This paper openly acknowledges and cele- brates our sexuality in its presence alone. If Aunt gay is the original source of concern, ask her to devote her energies elsewhere and do us all a favor. Otherwise pull her column. It simply isn’t necessary or useful enough to warrant such controversy. A Fan in NEQ Dear OITM: I agree wholeheartedly with Anni 0Iklasit’s opinion that OITM should be “Vermont's newspaper for Straight People about Lesbians and Gay Men.” Articles about “you know what” are better off else- where; please, let’s not provide Vermont’s homophobes with any fodder. On another note: Iread with concern in the February edition that the Human Rights it Campaign Fund had contributed $5000 to James Jeffords’ election. J effords certainly has not been a strong supporter of gay DESKTOP PUBLISHING STUDIO TYPE 8: DESIGN/WORKSHOPS/SELF-SERVICE rights; wouldn’t Bill Gray have been a much better recipient of those funds? Thanks for all your hard work- this is an excellent newspaper. Sincerely, Susan Murray Act Up, Out, and Backwards! (from The Nation) Some of the popular resistance to Section 28, the British law that makes it illegal formunicipal councils to “intention- ally promote homosexuality” has taken unusual turns. The day before the clause became law, Sue Lawley, stolid co-anchor of the BBC evening news, appeared on camera looking pinched and strained. “We have,” she announced to millions without explanation, “rather been invaded.” In confirmation, her words were followed by a sequence of squeaks and bleats, all most unlike the staid BBC. There followed a quick cut to a long story on the nurses’ strike. The four lesbians who invaded the BBC - “Auntie Beeb” to the British - man- acled themselves to the desks and cameras before being wrestled to the ground and gagged by all free hands on set, including co-anchor Nick Witchell. These were the same young women who, in the middle of the House of Lords debate on the clause, rappelled from the vistor’s gallery high above their lordships, shouting to terrified policeman, “It’s all right! We won’t hurt you!” The same women also chained them- selves to the gates of Buckingham Palace; on each occasion they gave police only the names of prominent lesbians past, and were released shortly after their arrest. “The Star” reported after the BBC episode on the “gaggle of screeching, lesbian harridans, hirsute harpies, loony lezzies, and dotty dykes.” 863-1884 187 ST PAUL STREET April 1989 Walter Zeichner M. A. Howard Russell M. A. Cand. Are Pleased to Offer 0 Therapy Group for Gay Men For information call: Walter: 863-5510 or Howard: 482-2434 Workshop: Women Loving Women Exploring Love and Relationship Deanna Alpert - CCSW I Pathways 323 Pearl Street Burlington, VT 05401 Insurance 8620836 Benefits Accepted Formerly The Forsberg Ctr Walter I. Zeichner %4.A’.lC.}I1’., N.C.C. syc ot er &Bod ork Gay Positi:ep%‘ounseIzyri:Jg 17"", ,- 1 #32‘; G. 323 Pearl Street Burlington, VT 05401 863-5510