I have always loved the out of doors, especially the wilderness areas normally associated with mountains. I ws surprised after kicking down the proverbial closet door that there was a subset of the lesbian/ gay community that felt much the same that Ido about mountains and the out of doors. A group did something about it, they came out of their own kind of closet. your are there, 13 years ago, in Index Washington. A small town of about 300 people located deep in the foot hills of the Cascade Mountains- populated mostly by loggers and other backwoods types. The news blazed through town that a gay/les- bian group called Triangle Recreation Club (IRC) had leased 5 acres of state forest land for a camp ground. The response was some what less than enthusiastic. Today, however, attitudes could notbe farther from what they were then. It has even come to the point that the local, straight-owned and operated, general store has refused to do business with people that make nasty comments about the ‘faggots’. The change was because TRC supported the community in any way they could, A Place All Our Own. Is I whenever they could. The facility has grown to just over 55 acres including 82 campsites accessed by about 5 miles of trails. In 1988 it provided out door recreation to approximately 3,000 gays and lesbians from all over the North west. The organization has grown to the pointwere,in l988,ithad to spend$l4,000 on improvements to keep below the maxi- mum allowable assests of a non-profit organization. I’m thankful that I happened to be in the area in the late ‘70’s and again in recent years, solcould becomepart of itand enjoy the facility. Upon my return a few years ago, I discover just how much I had missed the place, the camaraderie, the brotherhood and sisterhood. Can something like that be done here? Is there a group like that in Vermont? A group of gays and lesbians interested enough, strong enough and smart enough to make it happen? A group to provide an in- expensive outdoor recreational facility for lesbians and gay men? A place all our own. I believe that it can happen here. I believe that the New England and eastern March 1989 t A Dream? Canadian community is strong enough to make a project like this at least as success- ful as TRC. Maybe, with some one else’s mistakes to learn from, even better. I be- lieve so strongly that I have started looking for the right piece of land. A place all our own. Does it have to be a dream? If interested contact: Patrick Gal- langer, PO Box 311, Brookline NH 03033- 0311, (603)672-4831 Kwanzaa from page 1 For the future, Kwanzaa envisions expansion with music. Reaching people not now aware of diversities, even of their own culture and ethnic backgrounds, but also of other cultures, helping them to embrace differences showing them how much is to be gained by diversity. Watch for notice of Kwanzaa’s up- coming concert this month on the Calendar page. We ’ve got a new look Come in and Check it out. The Passion of Pearls 135 Pearl Street . Burlington, Vermont 11