'1'‘ ?S:? 5/sr;.-8c<—5'& Funds Shortage Curtails Mission The newly fonned Vermont Human Rights Commission announced recently that due to funding problems and lack of invesigators, only complaints of discrimi- nation that are illegal under existing laws will be investigated. For Vermont gays and lesbians, Jim Morgan, a commission member explained, this means complaints reported to the Commission will be tabu- lated for statistical purposes, but can not be investigated. Morgan added that Susan Sussman, Executive Director of the Commission, strongly urged those with complaints to call anyway. Vermont Humans Rights Commission 828-2480 P.O. Box 997 Montpelier, VT 05602 Register your complaints of discrimi- nation based upon sexual orientation. Calls will logged for statistical purposes but not investigated. The Commission’s first public hearing was held at City Hall in Burlington on December 7th. The topic was housing discrimination and 14 people offered testi- mony. Most of those speaking cited prob- v lems in obtaining rental housing because of their dependence on public assistance or because the applicant had children. Two housing advocates mentioned receiving complaints regarding discrimi- nation based on sexual orientation. Liz Cum, a city housing inspector, discussed three cases of discrimination in housing based on sexual orientation. FYI: Burlington Voters Burlington mayoral candidates, Peter Clavelle, Nancy Chioffi, Sandra Baird and Mlcllael Hackett went on record regarding lesbian and gay civil rights Thursday, Ffibrllary 16 at a debate sponsored by the 4 Burlington Women's Council. Clavelle and Ba1rd_ Supported the need for lesbian and 83)’ civil rights laws most strongly. Hack- W Seemed not to understand the full extent of the lSSll6 and dismissed it as "Let's go the Whole nine yards." Chioffi was the only Candidate that was against a civil rights law for lesbians and gay men. She said that she ‘h°“8ht_ that there was no need for sepatate , 3» Citing the protections already pro- Vlded for underneath the constitution. L E W.V.P.R has apparently agreed to broadcast a day sponsorship message from a listener which was originally rejected because they deemed it controversial, pre- sumably because of its reference to gays and lesbians. March 4 is the day the mes- sage will air. The listener, Hugh Russell of Marlboro, said he spoke with VPR Devel- opment Director Sandy Northrop in De- cember. She agreed to accept the sponsor- ship for a Saturday in January - providing the wording was changed. Russell had originally requested that the sponsorship read, “This day of pro- gramming is brought to you in part by our gay and lesbian friends in Vermont.” To- gether with VPR, he agreed it would read instead, “...by Hugh Russell and Charles Bedard for their gay and lesbian friends in Vermont.” The point perhaps being, ac- (Stephen & Burns Taft Corners Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-6413 L hair and nail care -- cosmetics March 1989 W.V.P.R. Update: Tune irch 4 cording to Russell, that “WE can have gay and lesbian friends but THEY don’t neces- sarily have to." In January, however, Russell received another call saying the sponsorship had missed the printing deadline for the VPR magazine. The agreed upon wording had also been misplaced. They settled on March 4. Russell says he has not yet re- ceived any official confirmation other than his cancelled check. He added that in response to copies of his correspondence with VPR sent to the Govemor’s office, he received three re- plies, two from Governor Kunin herself. She encouraged him to file a complaint with the Vermont Human Rights Commis- sion, which unfortunately, would provide little remedy in light of the Commission’s decision not to investigate such com- plaints. cdmuutazuflw DOG & CAT BOARDING OBEDIENCE CLASSES Fairfax, Vt ANIMAL INN "Your Best Friend's Home Away From Home” -Modem lndoorcutdoor runs 0 Separate cat room -24 hour supervision by liscensed Animal Health Technician PROFESSIONAL ALL BREED DOG & CAT GROOMING -From Perfect Poodles to Marvelous Mutts -Consultations For’Behavioral Problems DOG FOOD & PET SUPPLIES AVAILABLE 524-4574 ¢ member American Boarding Konmtn Auociuion