Out in the Mountains How Not to Put Your Foot in Your Mouth Here are a few words of wisdom from members of the Vermont Coalition of Les- bians and Gay Men on how to write letters to legislators and newspapers. For a com- plete rundown of tips, contact them di- rectly. 1. Don’t hesistate to take a strong position, but don't show your anger. While it may feel good to get your anger out, it is usually counter productive. 2. Don’t threaten to oppose a legislator at election time although it is sometimes tempting. 3. Give praise when it is due. 4. Get directly to your point. Let your legislator know what you want them to do. 5. When writing to a newspaper, keep your letter brief. 6. Address only one issue per letter. Think of new reasons to write. 7. Try to know your legislator’s history on this issue and other related issues. 8. Be willing to provide information your legislator would like. Follow up im- mediately to establish a good working rela- tionship. For You Hey Hey Ho Ho Along with homophobia this chant has got to go! Words and rhymes you can send in. You get it together and you may win. We want some new chants to sing to the crowds. Put on your thinking caps and we’ll sing it out loud. Send your ideas to: VT Coalition of Lesbian and Gay Men Attn: Ronnie Bancroft PO Box 1125 Montpelier, VT 05602 OOPS!! OITM made a mistake last month (as usual)- In the Gay National News we re- ported GLAAD as the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders. Actually GLAAD is the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Sorry to both organi- zations for the mixup! To our subscribers- if you didn't re- ceive a complete newspaper in February please let us know! Certified Rolfer Ms. Bpccalandro is appointments. 865-4770 is pleased to introduce OUR NEW ASSOCIATE Iginia Boccalandro ROLFING ASSOCIATES _ now avgilabe for consultations an ® I For improved muscular- skeletal comfort, posture, flexibility and energy. * ‘Ii:\f/:'r1yc::a:)"::tIr:ii::l‘gb|fer Kennedy Drive Professional Center 620 Hinesburg Rd., Suite 3A So. Burlington, Vt. 05403 ' "'1... =o= Thom Walker Certified Rolfer * lglnla Boccalandro Certified Flolfer Newsfrom page 5 Mayor George Moscone by former Super. visor Dan White. Britt was a close political .\ associate and friend of Supervisor Milk 1 President Britt was sworn into office by the Honorable Mary C. Morgan, a lcs. bian municipal court judge for the City and County of San Francisco. - In recent years, Britt has emergedas one of the strongest progressive voices in San Francisco politics. While effectively advocating the rights of gay people, healso has been a strong proponent of the rights and welfare of working people, seniors, women, minorities, and the disabled. Kowalski, Thompson Allowed to Meet On February 2, Karen Thompson ' made her first visit to Sharon Kowalskiin more than three years, a visit that extended over a three-day period. In just that short , span, Kowalski showed cognitive im- provemtn from contact with her life part- ner, Thompson, who has been denied visi- tation by Kowalski's father since 1985. ' After a four-year legal battle to gel rehabilitative care for Kowalski, n-I ompson was able to convince the counts test her for competency last September. As a result, St. Louis County (MN) District Court Judge Robert V. Campbell issuedan order on December 28, 1988, thatKowalsli { be transferred to Miller—Dawn Medical Center in Duluth for a period of rehabilita- tive care. The court order also stated that Sharon was to be allowed to visit with whomever she specifically and reliably requested to visit. Thompson said that before her arrival. Dr. Dorothy Rappel, a psychologist work- ing with Kowalski, had Kowalski why she I thought Thompson had not visited her into long. Kowalski's response was, "Too far?‘ She said that Dr. Rappel took the timcll l explain to Kowalski that Thompson had rI0l been allowed to visit. She added lhfll Kowalski "got tears in her eyes" when slit 1 saw Thompson for the first time, and ill I when visiting hours ended that evemfll» 1 "Sharon wouldn't let go of my hand. 3'” spelled right out on her alphabet boardill 1 love you."' , Thompson is optimistic that Kowaliifll ‘ will continue to receive the rehabilitalllti care she needs and eventually be flb1_°‘°. move into an independent living situal10“- Donald Kowlaski remains Sharon's E" ' ian with all related powers, however, Cl‘ cept those altered by the court. For more info contact Caroline Follv (310)251-0139. r c f l 1 l J 3 I