from page 3 wall. After reading your 3rd year’s newl- etter, I had to send it to you! Where would the movement be without the movement press? Thanks for your work! pm from Haymarket People’s Fund To the Editor, I’d like to take a moment to respond to Ms. O1klasit’s letter in the February issue of OITM. Ms. Olklasit claims that OITM is not “displaying our diverse aspects” and that “All that talk about you-know-what should be confined to you-know-where.” First off I disagree with her first state- ment, I think that in showing everything but our sexual antics OI'I'M is being di- verse. We are more that sexual beings, I ’ think that OITM does a great job in show- ing our diversity. Secondly, I think that our you-know- what (read: SEX) doesn’t belong in OITM. There are many other places in which erot- ica and pornography can be had. I don’t ’ think OITM should be a clearinghouse for I readers’ sexual fantasies. OITM provides a , greatvehicle by which news and factual in- I formation can be obtained. Keep the sex out of OITM! Thank you, OITM for all that you pro- vide. I An OITM Fan in Williston OITM- Fairy! Lezzie! Man-hater! Faggot! These are all epithets hurled at us by an ignorant group of uncaring people. Words that hurt when used in a derogatory, de- meaning manner but, can be shrugged off because they are flung by outsiders. But what happens when members of our own community shun one of us? “Iamnottrying to hurtyou butlam no longer willing to be seen with you anymore because you came out as a lesbian on T.V. last night.” A friend of mine was told, or they will not be seen talking to you, an out of the closet gay man. It hurts and it rips us up inside. After we get over the initial devastation we wonder about the internalized homopho- bia of our own community. How deep is this homophobia? How prevalent? Are those of us willing to acknowl- edge our gayness in public doing so at the risk of becoming a shurmed minority within our own community? I guess when Ibegan work on the Civil Rights Bill banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation I thought that not only myself but our whole community would benefit but, perhaps I was wrong. Maybe the only people who will benefit from this legislation will be those individu- als willing to take advantage of its statutes when passed, by taking the risk of then acknowledging to themselves that they are indeed a lesbian or a gay man. Holly Perdue Shiatsu and Swedish Massage Therapist 39? St. Paul Street Burlington, VT 05401 goyce %ri'ggs Call For Appointment (802) 862-8507 March 1989 Forconfidenfial AIDS Information Can 1-800-882-AIDS I - vegetarian - Non-Dairy Cooking - ONE WORLD Robin Hopps Nutritional Counseling. Cooking Lessons. Shiatsu Massaste in Your Home 862-8507 also available: Insurance No Charge for Accepted Phone Consultation David M. Ross, ACSW Certified Clinical Social Worker Individual, Couples & Group Therapy Deeply Respectful Appletree Bay Medical Center t 1205 North Ave. (802) 553-3070 Burlington, Vt. 05401 . & 105 Hill St., Barre, Vt. 05641 (802)479-2115