as original cosponsors of the bill, officially called the Civil Rights Amendments Act of 1989 (HR 655). Eight Senators have signed on to the companion bill. Gay rights lobby- ists from the Human Rights Campaign Fund (HCRF) are confident more will sign on in the upcoming months of the 101st Congress. Vermont has no co—sponsors at this time. Senators can be reached at the US Senate, Washington, DC 20510. Represen- tatives can be reached at the House of Rep- resentatives, Washington, DC 205 15. Call both at (202)224-3121. Individuals may also send an HRCF mailgram to members of Congress by calling the “Action Hot- line” at 1-800-325-6000, operator 9188. The cost is $4.50, billed to your home telephone. Kennedy Holds Hearings on Federal AIDS Response February 7, 1989...'Ihe US Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee today held the first in a series of hearings on the federal govemment’s response to AIDS, including government agency plans for implementing drug development, health care and education provisions passed as part of last year’s comprehensive AIDS legislation. The Committee hearings, chaired by Se. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass), featured testimony from key government officials of agencies responsible for enacting federal AIDS law. Last October, Congress passed the Health Programs Extension Act of 1988, which included the nation’s first battle plan for fighting AIDS. The bill call for accelerated research, expanded educa- tion and prevention, and more humane and cost-effective care for people with AIDS. German, and Spanish. N 0. Tulor Available for Private Lessons Help with grammar and conversation in French, Specializing in Music Theory and Piano Techniques. r fiasonable rates and convenient scheduling. o/‘* Besides Senator Kennedy, other com- mittte members participating in the hearing were Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah); Claiborne PeH (D-RI); Christopher Dodd (D-CT); Barbara Mikulski (D-MD); Brock Adams (D-Wash); James Jeffords (R-VT); and David Durenberger (R-Minn). “V:Yhoops,” Says Judge, “I didn’t Mean it. A Dallas judge was forced by public outcry to apologize for homophobic re- marks he made during a murder sentencing in December. Elected officials, civil rights leaders, newspaper editorials, and law en- forcement groups condemned the actions of Judge Jack Ham pton in connection with ' the sentencing of a man convicted for the brutal murder of two gay men. Hampton sentenced the man to 30 years in prison instead of the full life sen- tence sou ghtby the prosecution because the murderer’s victims were gay. At the sen- tencing hearing on December 15, Hampton said, “I don’t much care for queers cruising the streets picking up teenage boys...I put prostitutes and gays at about the same level, and I ’d be hard put to give somebody life for killing a prostitute. The Texas State Commission on Judi- cial Conduct scheduled a hearing on Janu- ary 13 to investigate Hampton’s behavior in the case. Gay Man Elected President of S.F. Board of Supervisors On January 9, Harry G. Britt became the first openly gay man to serve as Presi- dent of the San Francisco Board of Super- visors. In January 1979, he succeeded the late Harvey Milk who was slain along with (Continued on page 8) Q J- Coll ‘Gilles at 865-3941 ’\. Partners in Recovery and Growth, Therapist Erica Marks, B.A.S.A.C. Substance Abuse, Sexuality, Parenting, Grief, Gestalt, Spirituality, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups Hearthstone Assoc. r 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale° Phone: 865-2403 1 Are your car insurance rates driving you up the wall? March 1989 Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington Bayside Square 11 340 Mallets Bay‘Ave. Colchester,VT 05446 863-3808 /|||SlalB® Allstate Insurance Company. Northbrook. IL