Out in the Mountains Join The Fight Suppon The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men in their work to pass legislation guaranteeing equal rights to Lesbians and Gay men in Ver- mont and insuring protection for People With AIDS and H|V+ persons. Contribute to our cause and add your name to our mailinglist. We need yourhelp. DYes, I want to be a part of making Vermont safer for Gays and Lesbians. Add my name to our mailing list EAccept my contribution of to help with expenses and general coalition building efforts. See Address on VT Resources Page Name Address Phone THANK YOU! Walter Zeichner M. A. Howard Russell M. A. Cand. Are Pleased to Offer 0 Therapy Group for Gay Men For information call: Walter: 863-5510 or Howard: 482-2434 Vic Basile to Leave HRCF January 19...Victor J. Basile today an- nounced his resignation as executive direc- tor of the Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF) after six years of lobbying, fun- draising, strategizing and organizing for the nation’s gay and lesbian community. Basile, named HRCF’s executive di- rector in 1983, helped transform the gay rights group into the largest and most powerful lesbian and gay political action committte (PAC) and lobbying force in the U.S. Last spring, the Federal Elections Commission ranked HRCF the ninth larg- est independent PAC in the U.S. and the 24th largest PAC overall (out of more than 4000). HCRF gave more than $400,000 in political contributions to some 111 candi- dates for federal office during the last elec- tion cycle. “Serving HRCF and the lesbian and gay community has been one of the most exhilarating and fulfilling experiences in my life,” said Basile. “But now the time is right to move on.” HCRF co-chairs Rosen and Forester will form a search committee to select Basile’s successor. Basile will be an active participant in the choice of his successor and will remain as executive director until a replacement is announced. Lambda Lets Its Fingers Do the Walking January 20, 198) Lambda Legal De- fense and Education Fund announced to- day that the New York City Human Rights Commission has made a preliminary deter- mination that NYNEX Yellow Pages vio- lated city law by refusing to create a Yellow Pages heading for gay and lesbian groups. In May 1988, Lambda file a sexual ori- entation discrimination complaint against NYNEX on behalf on three New York- based gay groups, alleging that NYNEX’s refusal to include a gay and lesbian heading in the Yellow Pages violated New York City law. The complaining groups are Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (G ) . . - nity Services Center, and Heritage of Pride. Just days after the Commission an. nounced their intention to proceed mg l public hearing, NYNEX announced an agreement to restructure its New York and ' New England directories to allow for a sub. heading for lesbian and gay organizations, The sub-headings would come under a general “Social and Human Services“ heading and would include othe sub—head. ings for women’s, disability and children’s groups, among others. Curtain Closes on Reagan AIDS Era l January 23, l989...Former President Ronald Reagan has packed his bags and retired to California, ending a long, contro- versial era of White House response to the AIDS epidemic described by activists asa I national “legacy of shame.” I From 1982 and 1983, in which Reagan l requested zero AIDS dollars, through the l 1990 budget, Reagan requested substan- tially less than his own federal health agen- cies asked for and what Congress finally appropriated. The only exception was fis- cal year 1989, when the budgets matched. l However, the 1990 final Reagan AIDS budget is some $400 million less thanre quested by agencies. Vic Basile ofHRCF and other activists are more optimistic aboutPresidentGeorge l Bush. They point to Bush’s endorsemenlol the President’s HIV Commission report and his call for AIDS anti-discrimination protections as positive signs of a more sensitive White House AIDS response. Vermonters Absent on Federal L&G Civil Rights Bill January 25, 1989...The Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights Bill was reintroducedirt the US Senate today by Senator Alan Cran l ston (D—Calif.) and into the US House of Representatives yesterday by Congress» man Ted Weiss (D-NY/17) and Hefllll Waxman (D-Calif/24). Sixty-three Representatives signed “P l $5.03 (U.S.$) GOLDEN THREADS a contact publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love older women. Canada and U.S. Confidential, warm, reli- able. For free information send self-ad- stamp it). Sample copy mailed discreetly. P.O. Box 3177, Burlington, VT 05401 M l l l dressed envelope: (U.S. residents please l l |