Out in the Mountains VERMONT AREA RESOURCES Political _ _ _ W.O.W_. - Women of the Woods Lesblan/Gay AA 0 n.zat.Ons and SOCICII Organizations clo Claire Donaldson p_o_ l3ox4295 '9° ' . ' . c1nd.Businesses RFD #1, Box 5520 Burlin ton VT 05401 —PUb"°°“°“5 Worcester, VT 05682 -King t. Voutn Center 802 229-0109 1 g°'%'a'5°;‘5*[°"‘b*l"° 3*3‘§“g°'° ’S%°"e‘2l5$2'é“" ( ) sBTow?lmPavillion Rm 31) ca ition or es ans an ay ' ' - - ' Men to use Governi; Lebanon, NH 03755 Health Organizations Tues. & Thurs- 8pm Holl Per ue 229 109 - _ K55 5°55“) 454-5552 §’r§"E"ll’i‘?‘lt“é‘t‘r’t’e..-1 'r5.'8T%°r§’x°£‘.2o%'°S"'°'°°‘ 3'53 LL'3‘s’rTan'3°F1'5‘li5T1aa?itnr§’ ‘$57131 . . . . . Brattleboro, VT 05301 West Brattleboro, VT 05301 munity Empowerment ‘ A”‘9''°a“ 0”" L'b°”'°5 (502)254-5545 (a02)2544444 gs Spinster Hill 2, BOX 291 ‘M3 5:3‘? S"$9rt056o2 CRONES - for women over 40 North Star St. Johnsbur)’, VT 05815 (8gg)gg55g304 PO Box 242 (Wholistic Healthcare) . \éWng0Skl,ft\/T 05404 E.(()j.Bgx r:'3(7VT 05 55 EFLbAG - Pairecrilts and Frlendsol - , un ay a ernoons y e a , 6 es tans an ays (Brurllrllgnton Women s Councll (802)888_2858 Manghesmr Area “Y. 3 Everyone's Books P.O. Box 715 B”'““9‘°”~ VT 054°‘ 71 Elliot St. V.W.H.C. - Manchester VT 05254 (8°2)658'93°° ext 125 Brattleboro, VT 05301 Vermont Women's Health Center Eu1|a_ndAre’a (802)254-8160 336 North Ave. 11 North St. B'°a‘“'"9 5P‘=‘°° Burlington, VT054o1 Rutland, VT 05701 mwgpglgfi R say amt! Lesbian Veterans in (502)553-1355 (802)773-7601 . . . . . . . ermon 2-013°" 7E5N H 03229 12 Msgr. Crosby Ave. Vennont C.A.Fl.E.S. - Committee Sexual Assault Crlsls Team 01 °" °°°°° 1 - - Montpelier, VT 05602 ford /§l;JS_ Resources, Education lFI,Vgstgngt&n1 gounty, Inc. an rvlce . . ox ggggda 5293' Defense Kwanzaa - Black, native American P.O. Box 5248 Montpelier. VT 05602 '°a 3V and third world cultural, educa- Burlington, VT 05401 Hotline 223-7755 New V°'!‘- NY 10°12'23" tional and resource group (802)863-2437 P.O. Box 583 Vermont New Jewlsh Agenda National Association of Social - Workgrs/Lesbian and Gay ls- BuV'ngt°"’ VT 05402 supP°TT Networks ,1(4E:;,11$e|':3erawt(')5602 sues _ ommlttee Pearls (bar) . ’ g‘uZ"fi"‘t§ 135 _Pearl Street E,§;,t,;anS°”‘e'e”°e F°' Ca"'°"° VPLG - Vermont Partners of Les- 9 ' B“”'”9‘°“» VT 05401 For Lesbians of Catholic heritage bians and GaY5 NEvGALR_ Norm East Vermon_ (802)863-2343 and (he(,mendS_ wme; CCL (for straight partners) ters for Ga and Lesbians Ri his P-Q 3°)‘ 435 B°x 5' CW“ St’ RFD2 BOXVZGA 9 RAGS - Rutland Area Gays phnetarium Station Marketplace L 5 . P.O. BOX 147 New york Ny 10024 Middlebury, VT 05753 yndonvme’ VT 05851 Came’ RU“a”d» VT 05759 Or call Vermont contact ' 302 24 _ 7 _ A - ' Women Helplng Battered > < >5 . . . ox | t It _(_ b- -_ P.O.Box1535 :38‘fl;‘89?,§g?é3"2T6°54°‘ N0. Clarendon, VT 05759 93 “and Gay E""°’ Burlington, VT 05402 open ,0 an) Hotllne: 555-1995 UvM_GLBA SAMS — Social Alternatives lor _Q. Box 126 University of Vermont Ga Les_ Gay Men Burlington, VT 05402 Women's Rape Crlsls Center bian and Bisexual Alliance Y '°-°- .B°X 479 1st, 3rd Saturdays 7:55pm P-Q 3°‘ 92 B_1 64 Billings WM NOTW|Ch, VT 05055 5(_ pauys cathedrél Burlington, VT 05402 05555511115255 1115 52315255125 (3o2)555-o59g Burlington, VT 0 ‘"9 ( l ‘ Veémont Coalition of Lesblans gfl1ebE$ggp‘g'§'R$2’s center Lesbians United» NW9’ . 81 M ' 3 offizs t;iilii:.%“e'14“°55‘9 5» 5.5 VGV -Vermont Gay Volleyball Lesbian ACOA any updates to your , l (recreational volleyball for all level Mondays 5-30pm organization's listing on Ills 3””daY5r 539"‘ Call Karen lor info 549-2214 Page $590“ ‘°3 1 O.|.T.M. Box 177 ‘Burlington, VT 05402 - | 4%