Out in the Mountains The pmpose‘:o ._ . tains isto serve a_s;:a vo _. , _ _ gay men, andour supporters .m‘Vertnont}’ ‘ We wish thenewspaper tojbe ab spurceof information, support and affirmation for lesbians and gay men.-‘Wea1,s_o"se’ _-as} a vehicle for_celebrationo__f __ , . anddiversity of the 1esbi2utjanct’gay com‘-=:_ mummy. .‘ “re ‘Editoria1.Policy~ . We willj consider jfor,.pu_blication‘ any matena1:’wh,ich7broade’ our ’der ‘ Standing of.ouI.lif¢§lYl€?S'ian.. H other. Views aridopiniofns appearing in the paper do‘not?'neces_sarfly tepresen‘ those of the staff;.J‘his paper cannot, ab : will not endorse any can"(1idates"and_ac~ tions ‘of. public officials on jz issuesfof » importance to’ lesbians and g‘;-iy__ men. We will not-publish‘ ma al. which is overtly racist,‘ sexist, anti;-jSe,-‘ mitic: assist.‘ c.1=1sS.i.s_t_;'or.hf<'>_i1i1..<>fivh<>[l.>Ii All ‘"materials” submitted: must be [ signed so we can‘ ‘conta _ A Y A‘ V’ “should we‘ ;'need . ’ Sid . revisions. However, vs,/,1, A A _ bag" the newspaper, articles 'ii1%'1)(j_£ip15¢ari' onymously, upon request,aiid strict c V . fidentiality will be observed. N . _ sions or rejections of "material " cur without dialogue with th"e_‘3author.v. We welcome andy~__e_ric'ourage_ tall] readers to submit_jmateiials_forf'publica- tion and to share your corrirn‘ents§"criti__- - cisms, and positive feelingswith us} . paper is here for, you. 'Ihe'deadlinejfo:r i submitting material for each':issu__efl_,: the.» 7th of the month priorto pub1i_cation,. Out in the;iMountains. p _PQ,Box.;_177.. V 3' i " Materials should _"e,_,s¢htt'p: it . A Bur1ifigt6n,‘vT‘054o2_‘ .3 To SubmitfArticles,,. We encourage our ;eauers ee‘o participate in bringing‘ this pub- lication to Gay and" Lesbian Vermonters. Please assistus by submitting articles no longer than twodouble-spaced typed pages. Your submission, should be received by-O|T|\/lino later than the 7th of the'previ‘- ous month. Thank you! OITM: Our Labor of Love February is here, a month in which we celebrate love. For some, the concept of love is limited to romantic love, as in the celebration of Valentine’s Day. During this month we may also recognize and celebrate love in a broader sense, as that which goes beyond feeling and extends itself into ac- non. Loving involves the expansion of our boundaries beyond ourselves as individu- als and toward ourselves as partners, members of a community, as human beings, and continuing outward. The trans- fer of this loving energy into action is the root of many creative projects, best de- scribed as labors of love. We at OITM consider this paper to be one such labor of love. OITM began publication three years ago, this month, when Vermonters for Lesbian and Gay Rights obtained a grant from the Haymarket’s People’s Founda- tion. For the first two years, all layout of the paper was done by hand, and charter sub- scribers learned of the paper’s existence from a brief press release in the Burlington Free Press. In our efforts to improve the paper’s readibility, OITM computerized its design and layout operations in January of 1988. Desktop publishing has markedly im- proved our presentation, which in turn, has attracted more advertisers, and has in- cantly increased subscription requests, particularly from far flung comers of the state. , We are presently in the process all writing grants in order to obtain our own computer equipment, while continually contacting businesses to display and/or advertise in OITM. We are also waiting‘ impatiently for more reader feedback via. letters to the editor. I As with any project, love in and of itself, is not enough to manifest our dreams into reality. Love is the foundation of the‘ vision, energy, and commitment we devote to our endeavors. Yet practical skills and’ resources are needed to build upon this‘ foundation in order to produce a newspaper i that truly represents and reinforces Oil!‘ sense of gay Vermont community. a Money is one such resource that weal OITM need to continue to transfonn out labor of love into an effective end. We are generally uncomfortable asking for funds. ‘ Money often has a negative charge associ- ated with it, and evokes a strong reactions] from people when offered or requested. It‘ is, however, a means to an end. In our request for donations to under- write our purchase of publishing equip ment, we ask of ourselves and our readerslo V remember that money itself is nuetral. Ills‘ what we choose to empower with it thatis significant. I Dear OITM, It’s again my pleasure and good luck to be able to share some financial resources with you. Bless you for your work and inspiration. Love, Pat Fontaine Editors Note: Thank you, Pat, for your faitigful generosity and support. Dear OITM: To the reader who warns against dis- playing our diverse aspects to lawmakers and mothers: I totally agree. All that talk about you—know-what should be confined to you—know-where. Let’s keep Out in the Mountains, Vermont’s newspaper for Straight People about Lesbians and Gay Men. Sincerely, Anni Olklasit A letter to Gwend0lyn- I Hello: I think you're the funniest thing nextlel Dave Barry (Boston Globe). l K.J. l OOPS! I We made a few mistakes last monlll and would like to make some corrections- Page 11-Bridges by Euan BeaI- "---ml world with so many walls, we've gollll‘ keep building bridges to get anywhcrell all. -Awards-" A mini-auction...broull“’ in over $1500 for the organization." . -Christine Burton-"Christine is Will ing a novel, "I‘m a Sitting Duck"-- V5” serious, also very funny." I l l M I l L‘