Out in the Mountains anuary special events organizational meetings 17 New Year's Day! '| ‘|V W.O.W. VIDEOS! Showtime is 6:30 p.m.I5' 77 OITM Article Deadline for February"s issue. Send to OITM P.O. Box 177, Burl. VT 05402.15’ 127 Jaime Morton at Daily Bread Bakery 7:30 and 9 V Lesbian Agenda Conference. Northeast region planning session. Call Libby at (518) 463-3522 or | Michelle at (518)463-1051. (see article pg. 9). l 19’ 201 Gwen Shervington. Slideshow and discussion. 7 Integrity. St. Paul's Cathedral. 7:55 p.m.I5' ' 97 OITM Editing. Chop chop, snip snip. Come help p.m. '|6V Martin Luther King Jr. Day ! (see related article this page). 21y Third Saturday Soiree. For info call 865-DYKE. 227 W.O.W. SLEDDING AND COCOA. at 1 287 p.m.PotIuck treats to go with cocoa after sled- ding.W Burlington Peace Coalition 10th Anniversary Party. City Hall 6 p.m. - 12 midnight. DYKE DUCKPINS - W.O.W. Come bowling at us! 7:00 p.m. at P&J Center.I5’ l my OITM Typing. Call 860-1922 for info. Tap tap tap | brrring.I'!’ I 167 OITM Organizational Meeting. Come join usli P”§o.— Boat 1 , . .. - . ». 1, I.- VT C.A.R.E.S. Benefit On Sunday , February 12, Brian fisher and Harry Russell will host a Vermont C.A.R.E.S. benefit at the Russell farm in Hinesburg. They will be offering horse drawn sleigh rides, and request a $5-10 donation per person. All proceeds will got to VT. C.A.R.E.S. The rides are approximately forty minutes long and will travel through woods and pastureland. In addition, there is plenty of room for cross—country skiing, etc. Re- freshments will be provided and reserva- tions are required. Phone 482-2498 for information and reservations. Up to twelve people can be accomodated per trip. Walter Zeichner M. A. Howard Russell M. A. Cand. Are Pleased to Offer 0 Therapy Group for Gay Men For information call: Walter: 863-5510 or Howard: 482-2434 12 l_.__.._.__._.._L LSACV WOW A group of energetic lesbians got to- gether to plan some social events last summer. The positive energy generated has led to many enjoyable times, and new women attend each event. A group with such potential deserved a better name than the Lesbian Social Club, so they've become Women of the Woods. W.O.W. has scheduled events such as potlucks and parties at women's homes, as well as hiking and skiing out there in the woods.Are you curious or interested in W.O.W.'s winter schedule? See calendar listing. Call 229-0109 with any questions. '3 See Vermont Area Resources back page VOITM Needs Your Help!! Looking for Volunteers in many areas Writing, Editing, Distribution, Layout Help make OITM happen ll German, and Spanish. Specializing in Music Theory and Piano Techniques. Reasonable rates and convenient scheduling. v~ J. coll Gilles at 865-3941 4 '\o Brainstorming tor the March issue. 7 p.m. at the: P&J Center}? l 21V Integrity. St. Paul's Cathedral. 7:55 p.m.I»'a? l l l - l Slide Show Gwen Shervington, a memeber of. Kwanzaa, Inc. (a collective of Vennont residents who promote and affirm the value I of intercultural sharing and awareness), l will present a slideshow and discussion on I her 3 momth experience in Zambia, Africa, on the following dates: January 19, 1989. 3:30 p.m. Univer- sity of Vennont. International Lounge,l Living/Leaming Center B-180. l January 20, 1989. 8 p.m. Maverick « Media Center. 209 College Street. i To Be Announced. Presentation on ' Wgmen in Zambia, City Hall, Burl. Spon- sored by the Burlington Women's Council. i For information contact Gwen Sh- l ervington, 658-9281. | Peace Coalition Anniversary Party l January 28 at City Hall 6-8 pm Story telling/Music l 8pm Birthday Cake Cutting/Hi.St0Tl’ l 9:30pm Gidget& Gandhi-Music 10pm Partying til Midnight 0. Tutor Available for Private Lessons Help with grammar and conversation in French, Q -M 4