Nal. Lesn in Fall of 1989 A National Lesbian Agenda Confer- ence is currently being organized for the Fall of 1989. Funded, in part, by a grant from the March on Washington, this event intends to broaden lesbian awareness of who we are, our issues, and concerns on a national scale. The conference will be hosted by a coalition of East coast lesbians who have identified four categories of major input and invited representatives from each: 1. National / State organizations - groups which focus on policies affecting lesbian lives. 2. Academicians/writers - lesbian aca- demicians, writers of books, journals and articles. 3. Service providers - doctors, law- yers, social workers, alternative health healers, etc. who are lesbians or work with them. 4. Grassroots lesbian feminists - lesbi- ans involved in grassroots organizing, ac- tivists, artists, photographers, documen- tors, etc. Some of the issues to be discussed at the conference include: lesbian legal rights, unity on definition, coming out, racism, violence, money issues and visibility, to name only a few. The lesbians organizing this event want it to be a collective effort, and have extended an invitation for all lesbians to participate in the conference’s organiza- tion, planning, and facilitation. Women are needed to raise funds, provide outreach, and conduct workshops. If you would like to participate and/or offer input, write: “National Lesbian Con- ference”, PO Box 3057, Albany, NY 12203. You may also write this address to be placed on their mailing list. Donations are needed and welcome. This conference presents a wonderful Opportunity to discover and celebrate the diversity of lesbian lives throughout the nation. See you there. Letters from page 2 T°D0rt1ng_ found in this paper is getting Pmgressrvely more solid as the months go by and I’d hate to see that jeopardized. ospecial orders oout of print book search o gay & wimmans oomix Keep up the terrific work! Sincerely, Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs. Sat 10am-5pm Sarah Coy open till ilpm on Friday " from S New Society Press January 1989 NEVGALR Organizes for 1989 NEVGALR (North East Vermonters for Gay and Lesbian Rights) is an activist group working to end social and economic discrimination against lesbians and gay men in Vermont. NEVGALR first met in December, 1987 to organize support for S.278, the affectional and sexual orientation bill intro- duced into the Vermont State Senate in early 1988. At the end of the legislative session in May, 1988, the bill had passed the Senate but was held over in the Judici- ary Committee of the House. The bill is scheduled to be re-introduced in the next legislative session beginning in January, 1989. NEVGALR’s agenda will focus on educating local and state representatives and communities about the complex issue of homophobia and related civil rights is- sues. Kstephen & Burns Taft Corners Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-64 13 hair and nail care —— cosmetis L J NEVGALR is offering programs of speakers, films, panel discussions and for- mal workshops on homophobia for profes- sional, church, school and political groups throughout the Northeast Kingdom. NEVGALR will also lobby for gay and lesbian civil rights in the upcoming legisla- tive session. Through educating communities and officials about the realities of lesbian and gay lives, NEVGALR hopes to facilitate the process of social change and foster a healthy and growing respect for human diversity. (See VT Resources page for address.) Books for a Changing World "For, although it is true that fear & despair can over- whelm us, hope cannot be purchased with the re- fusal to feel. "" Susan Griffin Maverick Books (Buriington's only worker owned bookstore) 209 College St. 2nd floor (next to City Market) 658-2523