Out in the Mountains Join The Fight Suppon The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men intheirworkto passlegisla- tion guaranteeing equal rights to Lesbians and Gay men in Vermont and insur- ing protection for People With AIDS and H|V+ persons. Contribute to our cause and add your name to our mailing list. We need your help. D Yes, I wantto be a part of making Vermont safer for Gays and Lesbians.Add my name to your mailing list D Accept my contribution of to help with lob- bying expenses and gen- eral coalition building ef- forts. See Address on VT Resources Page Name Address Phone THANKYOU! Lesbian Conference to usher 111 the Gay 90’s Washington, D.C.—The first meeting to organize a comprehensive national con- ference by, for and about lesbians, was held here September 24 & 25, to launch co- ordination of the idea born of the October 1 1, 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights. An adhoc group of east coast lesbians convened the open meeting to begin to set goals and to establish the initial planning structure for the confer- ence, which is tentatively scheduled for late 1989 early 1990. The conference envisioned as the first of its kind, is conceived as a broad—based coalition effort to set a lesbian agenda for social, economic, and political change, to increase lesbian visibility and to acknowl- edge lesbian diversity and common ground. Regional planning meetings on the national lesbian conference are being or- ganized throughout the country in the months ahead. The first national steering committee meeting, with representatives chosen by each region at the regional planning meetings is scheduled for the weekend of March 4-5, 1989 in Raleigh- Durham, N.C. Lesbians interested in getting in- volved should watch for local announce- ments of regional planning meetings. For more information, write: National Lesbian Conference, P.O. Box 3057, Al- bany, NY 12203. New AIDS Research Grants from NIAID Robert E. Windom, M.D., assistant secretary for health, today announced that five grants have been awarded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) under a new program designed to generate novel strategies for deciphering how the AIDS virus causes disease. First-year funding for the awards totals $6.2 million dollars. The new effort, Programs of Excel- lence in Basic Research on AIDS . (PEBRA), was established to mobilizel into formal partnerships creative scientists : in basic research. Drawing on their expel. tise in immunology, virology, or cellularl or molecular biology, members of these] partnerships are expected to develop inno vative approached for pursuing research on I the pathogenesis of AIDS and its related ' opportunistic infections. Each PEBRA l includes at least three collaborators, who l may be from academic, non-profit, or commercial research institutions or organ I zations. Dr. Windom also announced thatl, Centers for AIDS Research (CFARS) are being established by universities receiving ' new 5-year grants from the National Insti- tute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The CFARs will promote the‘, development of new scientific knowledge . about AIDS, with the ultimate goal of i improving the diagnosis, treatment and , prevention of AIDS. The total costs for the 3 first year are $6.7 million. The CFAR program is unique because l it is designed for groups of investigators who have established reputations for excel- lence in AIDS research and who are, already receiving funds for AIDS-related [7 research from NIAID and other Institutesat the National Institutes of Health. The, awards provide core support for consoli-‘ dating and focusing the AIDS researcli| activities at their universities. l Revised AIDS Pocket Card for Policel Officers 1 In response to reports of growing fear by law enforcement officials about con- y tracting AIDS on the job, the Human Rights Resource Center (HRRC) has re- vised and updated a pocket-size card with; concise information about the HIV virus. HRRC gathered the information from medical experts, law enforcement oft’!- cials, and community service providers. . $5.00 (U.S.$) GOLDEN THREADS l a Contact publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love older women. Canada and U.S. Confidential, warm, reli- able. For free information send self—od— dressed envelope; (U.S. residents please l stamp it). Sample copy mailed discreetly, P.O. Box 3l77, Burlington, VT 05401 I L-@