Out in the Mountains December B organizational meetings special events i . I 17 World AIDS Day. Service of rememberance and 3V lnteg rity 7:55 pm. St. Paul's Cathedral - "Advenl: candlelight vigil. 7:30 p.m. Unitarian Church. Psychological Preparing for the Holidays'' E’ , 2V New Victoria Book Party. 8 p.m. NonNich lnn. 5V GLBA 7:30. 102 Pomeroy Bldg. UVM_ rs orm ~ Found Goddesses - authors Morgan Grey and 7V OITM Article DeadlineforJanuary Issue. Sendto Julie Penelope will be there! AE. I3’ OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burl., VT 05402. ‘ 3V Women's Peace Falr. Randolph. For more info 8V OITM Editing Meeting. 7 p.m. P&J CenterCome § t call P&J Center. I? help us shape your paper. , l 4V First Day of Hanukkah. 9V OITM Typing. For more information call865-9759 - 3 7'7 "Lesbian Health Matters." Workshop 7-9 p.m. 10V UULGC 6:30 p.m. Unitarian Church, :3? Howe Public Library, Hanover, N.H. I IV L/G Coalition Meetlng.10 p.m. South Royalton 9V Jaime Morton. 8 p.m. Maverick Bookstore. Origi- House in south Roya|ton_ ts‘ nal music. Call 658-2523 for information. l5V OITM General Meeting. 7:30pm. P&J Center. V VT CARES Holiday Party and Memorial Tree Brainstorming for the February issue!!!’ - Llghtlng. 6-8 p.m. Vt CARES office. use l7V Integrity. 7:55 p.m. Holiday Project Gift Wrap. [ IUY International Human Rights Day. Bring gifts for hospital and nursing home patients. l V LSC Games Night. 6 p.m. Huntington. I3’ ‘ l4V "Chooslng Support". 7-9 p.m. Contois Aud. City Wsee Vermont Area Resources back page Hall, Burlington Women's Council. It? _ l7V Thlrd Saturday Solree. A Lesbian Social. Call 865-DYKE for information. . l 87 Lsc Tacky Christmas Gift Swap. Northfield. xv 21V Winter Solstice. A ~ V - ~ ‘- 25V Christmas. t 31V New Year's Eve. I V LSC New Year's Eve Party. Holly and Claire's. Bear fiompage , “ cult Those voices have two fronts to work on, the sexual abuse and the fact that you’re a or lesbian. from page 9 g g y Q: In the book you write about survi- t Y0n- Attend the n°31'tngS- who can tell by “M? vors “working to change the world.” Is this l 100king ifY0n are 3 lesbian OT 83)’ man? We book part of that process for you? ‘ know of no one who has lost their job . A; Yes, 1 would say is was part of the because of being there. Look on the back process. It wasn’tlike I thought up the idea Page Of out in the Mountains and SnPP0Tt/ of this book as a way to get somewhereifl T network with one of the groups listed. We _ my process; but certainly ithad abigeffect. ‘ are a diverse community, something must The OITM staff would llke Every time I’ve spoken it’s felt like I was » be of some interest. Talktoeach other about - - liberating myself and that I was makinga ’ issues. Educate one another. Power comes to WIS}? all of Its readers and difference for Someone 3136- It’s a way to from inf0Irrnk:tion- Ignorance breed: featrfi advertisers the very best of notbe avictim. It’s away to say, “I can help OW 0n1' Connnnnlty 33 C ' stop this, not just for me.” resources to achieve civil rights if we band hohday Seasons’ Q: What are your future plans for writ- | together and truly behave as a community. mg? The time is NOW. A: I don’t have plans at the momentfor } another book. I’ve been doing some W‘ ‘ '1. Tutor Available for Private Lessons ,a,md,,,,,g_1s,,,,,.,,,,,,,,yc,,,,,,,ar,.,.,rorl Help with grammar and conversation in French, Q‘ the role of pornography and child sexual l German: Gnd 3l3C1ni$h- abuse. I’m now writing a column for VeI- ‘ Specializing in Music Theory and Piano Techniques. mont Woman. I have stories in mind I Reasonable rates and convenient scheduling. I A. may end upas abook oraco11ecti0n0t5t‘°" '/‘ ./~ _ stories. I’m doing some writing and S°"‘e{ L J- C'C\‘Jfl'GIi|eS OT 865-3941 editing and I’d like to be doing m0f9° I both. !_, l