Out in the Mountains Are your car insurance rates driving you up the wall? Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington 1 Bayside Sqaure II 3 340 Mallets Bay Ave. i Colchester,VT 05446 I l 863-3808 /Illslater l , Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL J“ 8 G I; Listen. So I’m new in town, andl offer my services to this paper. Do they give me an office? Adesk? A typewriter? Paper? No way! I tell them I’ll do gossip -- you know, who’s sleeping with who...who’s not. Do they let me? No way. I write an advice column. (Hmmph) Do I get letters? NO! What is this anyway? ls everyone out there so blissfully occupied that you can’t even drop me a line? Okay, so you don’t have any problems. Send me your favorite recipe, or a Salada teabag saying. (Who writes those anyway?) Hey, I’ll even take personal descriptions and phone numbers. Send me SOMETHING! Please, I’m bored. (1 want a desk). So they tell me I might have come on a “little too strong.” I could have been “softer”, more “compassionate”, a “tad sweeter”, “kinder” in my approach. What is this? I’m not one of those pookey, little marshmallows that bobs around in your Swiss Miss. Come on. Then they say that “may ” a picture would help. You know, one of those 3x5 celluloid images which thoroughly por- trays your true inner self. Give me a break.' I tell them, “No way! I don’t do black and white, I need colors.” (Ha!) They insiTcL So, I dug up the best portrait I could find, (Oops.) ' ' ” » '- Until next time.... Me on r ;. from page 3 dents said they wear rings or other symbols of their relationship. More than 700 completed surveys have been returned to Partners thus far, and the survey remains open to participants l 1 l l l ' through January. The short, anonymous questionnaire requests general information on subjects such as sexual agreements and l satisfaction, sources of relationship sup- - port, and discrimination against same-sex couples. V Partners is and eight-page monthly . offering inerviews, news and information I to help gay and lesbian couples develop satisfying and successful relationships. To participate in the survey, write to: Partners, Box 9685, Seattle, WA 98109. Enclose a self-addressed, stamped busi- l ness size envelope. Partners will send two ‘ forms per request (enough for one couple); Al, Ejyu L ~noos<5 ~ ‘RBCORD.‘3~ --1=eRiQDrC.At_s ~ 1=os'r‘eR5~ "’E»UTTDNS~ CA'RDS~ NONE ’s § I 3 7! Elliot. .sc.. ’6rar.tzlebom,\)L (6aZ)z54-fllbo 'euMs=e.1=\* .:mci»ifc0urse):;i.but“you'wi|lhé|P.U......., leoostoiassem g;printing,‘and‘uistributing'the”newspaper.In l ub;s<:riptio.ns‘:‘ we.=welcome.;Contril:u‘ti9ns‘to’.supp0r1"ouré=c0ntI.nl4?dl . be'made payable to"Out,in the Mou ntai ns_or'OlTM.§_nd I I o: Outln he Mou'ntjain_'s;‘P.'o_.==B9x177;=Burlin9l0l‘v] f-|( 1 t.rne__Isrw_<>.w.,.n°a I2an_rhe'r;. J .,:.Do‘natio'nA-_'($ T7 __,_; 4