— Out in the Mountains Notes from a Dyke Diary , by Alyx Sept 27 S. comes to me and says, “Can you get more of those buttons? I’d like ev- eryone in the store to wear one on Coming Out Day.” I couldn’t believe my ears! As far as I know, I’m the only queer among about ten employees (there’s that 10% of the population). A bigger statement will be made if everyone wears a button. Talk about really confusing the customers! I spend some time searching for some- one to turn out a small button order, and I finally find a guy who’d be glad to do it on short notice. In fact, I decide to get extras made so I can distribute them among the community. Oct. 5 October 11 is fast approaching, and I wait in anticipation. While my co- workers look forward to the day, I am a bit apprehensive. After all, they have nothing but their support for me to defend. They cannot wait to see the reaction of some of our regular clientele, some of whom are very homophobic. I just hope that I don’t attract too much religious wrath. Oct 10 Tomorrow is the big day, and I’ll most likely be freaked out until we open the store. After the first customers come through, I’l1 hopefully shift into high gear and enjoy myself, feeling strong because I am making a statement (and because the entire store is making a statement!). Oct 1 1 5 a.m. Okay... It is still dark out, and I’m stiff as a board, internalized homopho- bia raging inside of me. Let’s do some deep breathing and try and relax. I need to be rested for today... 8 a.m. I get to work and have one hour to prepare myself mentally before the store opens. I’m wired, jabbering away at J. in- cessantly. ’ 9 a.m. Now we are open, and I am trying to hide. When will this fear no longer have control over me? Perhaps with prac- tice? I spend extra time in the storeroom, or in counting the deposit. Any excuse to stay away from the counter where I will have to interact with people. 9:30 a.m. I decide to face myself, get it over with, grit my teeth, and confront the oppressors (if there are indeed any in the store). The very first customer I wait on is a religious type, a local Jehovah Witness. She reads my button while I break into a cold sweat. She says that she doesn’t un- derstand what it says. I think to myself, “Come on, lady, isn’t it obvious what it \%; II fl I saw Daddy Kissing Savxifa QW5 ‘W 4 means? What’s the alternative to beingj‘ heterosexual?” Instead, I try and dam. around the label of homosexuality by gig plaining that one shouldn’t always assume‘ that things are as they appear on the surface,‘ that one cannot judge a book by its Cover,‘ etc. She leaves perplexed, and I could kick. myself for faltering. Why couldn’tIjuslsay! that I am a Lesbian, with a capital”L”,and, thatl am insulted when the assumption tint‘, I am straight is made. Oh well... Atleastshel will probably ponder the meaning of my button all day. . 12 p.m. All the employees are wearinjt the button now, and everything is fairly smooth and quiet. The responses are variet! from looks of confusion, to smiles and’ knowing nods. S., the boss, is surprisedalj some of the homophobic responses shehas> gotten by wearing the button. I tell her thal- is exactly what Lesbians and Gay menhavel to deal with all day long. 5 p.m. The rest of the day went easilyl, for me. I became busy and soon forgotthtl I was wearing the button unless someone mentioned it. In fact, it seems thatas soon] as it wasn’t such a big deal for me, most‘ people didn’t even notice anything differ A... ent. I was the same old employee, doingmyf job well. To most of the customers, what! am doesn’t seem to be an issue. I am‘_ amazed at the number of people who actu- ally knew that it was Coming Out Day, 01 that they remembered the March on Wash-| ington last year. I guess that we are becom- ing a more visible minority! The dayis _ over, and I can go home and relax. Perhaps‘ next year I will wear a button that says "As dyke and Damn proud of it!” ._....a I The l Estar I Center Formerly The Forsberg Ctr ' '2" V, ,=.-*~‘:='~'1 J‘ Walter I. Zeichner , M.A.C.P., N.C.C. l Psychotherapy 8 Bodywork I Gay Positive Counseling l *7?‘ J /.1} 31 323 Pearl Street 1‘, Burlington, VT 05401 863-5510 .21