Out in the Mountains NOVEMBER special events organizational meetings 2V "Ecology and Feminism"free. 7-9 pm. Contois 5V Integrity 7:55 pm. St. Pau's Cathedral - "Relleq. Aud., Sity Hall. Burlington Women's Council. W tions" (see related article), W 8V ELECTION DAY! Your VOTE counts. 7V OITM Article Deadline for December Issue. Sendi 1 IV Veteran's Day to OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burl., VT 05402. 15V "Violence Against Women" free. 7-9 pm. Con— V GLBA 7;3o_ 102 Pomeroy l3ldg_ uvM_ W tois Aud., City Hall. Burl. Women's Council. W 9V OITM Editing meeting. 7:30 pm. Call 865-3941. 1 87 Lesbian Social Club Dining Out at Sam Bel's in Northfield. RSVP by 11/16. W . 19V Integrity Thanksgiving Potluck W V Third Saturday Soiree with representatives from Bush, Dukakis and Us Sen. and Cong. can- didates. For more info call 259-2876 or 885-3327. 24V Thanksgiving Help us shape your paper. W I 0V OITM Typing. For more information call 862-6377,? 12' UULGC 6:30 pm Unitarian Church W 14V GLBA 7:30 pm. W l 1 7V OITM General Meeting. 7pm. P&J Center. Helpusi plan the January Issue. W 19V Integrity 7:55 pm. W 30V "Feminism and Religion" tree. 7-9 pm. Contois V Burlington Peace Coalition Anitual Meeting.4-3 Aud., City Hall. Burlington Women's Council. W ' Lesbian social Club Dessert Potluck and Plan- ning Session. 6:30 pm. W 9 pm.W 21V GLBA 7:30 pm. W 26' UULGC 6:30 pm Unitarian Church W ’ 23V GLBA 7:30 pm. W '@°See Vermont Area Resources back page Self Defense from page 9 ing 91] will connect you with the police switchboard. 2)Blow a whistle. Yell “FIRE!” or “POLICE!” Bang garbage cans. Try to get help. 3)If your community has a Lesbian] Gay anti-violence project, call and make a report. If not, call the NGTF Crisisline [(800-221-7044) outside New York State, Alaska, and Hawaii;(2l2-807-6016) inside those states.] What to Do After an Attack l)Get medical attention if you need it from the nearest hospital emergency room. Many states compensate victims for inju- ries sustained during a crime. 2)Report the attack to the police; you can call from the hospital if necessary. Don’t let anyone discourage you from fil- ing a report or pressing charges. Write down the number of the report form and the names and badge numbers of any police officers you talk with. Ask to see mug shots in case your assailant has a record. 3)Don’t try to deal with the incident all by yourself. Often after street attacks, vic- tims are disoriented and may have diffi- 10 i \ i term counseling to help you work througil it. Get in touch with local support services’ for gay crime victims by calling your local gay switchboard or the NGTF Crisisline (See Phone numbers above). I 5)Let the gay and non-gay community‘. know what happened to you. If anti-gt)" assaults are chronic in your area, challntl your rage by working to organize a pr0J_“‘ to combat them. For more lIlf0l'mall0|l‘ contactNGLTF, 1517 U Stret,NW.W33h“, ington, D.C., 20009. 1 culty attending even to simple tasks. This is normal. Ask your friends for help in dealing with the police, doctors, and the criminal- justice system. 4)Even when a victim is not physically hurt, the fear and emotional trauma of an attack can linger for a long time afterward. If you have been victimized, talk with someone about it. Get mad about it. Get it out of your system. If you are having trouble coping, don’t hesitate to seek short- "SKY 0f..thV9l‘"ieW3P3Pel'°i “ )s'i.bU.lY9‘u Wm .he'P:““d9,"l| . . _ butlngihe ”$WSP3F?e"g= ‘j _elco‘rne“jcontri,buTtions to :VS‘UppOi‘l;OLlr_COntlnU9 H ade payable to Qut in the Mountains or OITM | out inthe Mountainsj,-'P.O. Box :1 77, BurIin9l°"lH -vear<$i9l .o§lI+in¢cme ($5) Donatibfnos U‘ L_..J'9J-k_ei2.s_emo_ ai.ln_te 29v1§Pa=>9:- _L:3*_r'i'i1<'2W_£l<>_VVL9e1fl'E"D. bl,lng,spr_lntln ---and dlstrl