Out in the Mountains Notes From a Dyke Diary Are your car l 533133 ° G» I; ‘Sept 2.5 The a““t"°’?a‘Y of the March on So Gertrude and Alice are“burnt out." l Washington for Lesbians and Gay Rights Poor deam What does this mean anyway? is coming up 500"’ on October 11' To Did they light themselves on fire and run i mark the “Casio” there is going to be a out of matches or kerosene? Come on. i O 0 national Coming Out Day. WC’I6 Well I arn here and I’m hot! And Ivve supposed to tell at least one. new person got the Sparks and fuel to keep the rm‘ about our gayness. Now, this poses a blazing. Ou u perplexing situation. Who might I choose so tell me___D0es your, we11_._uhm___‘ to come out to? All my fnends’ Say and “friend” pin you to the crack between the = straight, know that I am a Lasblanv as wall and the bed at night, in sumo slumber? wa 0 well as an my °°‘w°rkerS‘ HOW about Does she profess true love and insist on Dad the“? Nope’ I,am not ready for that non—monogamy? Does he flirt with you and i ‘me yet’ I have an ldeaml can wear 3 leave with someone else? Is there no he or ' l button to work that gives away my true She to life? I want to know identity. I’d better ask my boss what she Does your toothpaste tube resemble thinks of the idea, since I work in a retail pee wee Hermanvs bdwtieg; Is kerchupr establishment in a t°“1'tStY area that sees breakfaststaple? Do they still askyouwhen from 200300 Customers Pa’ daY- you are going to get married? Isn’t it alltoo l _ real? Talk to me, I want to know. . Sept 26 I ask S., my boss, about the idea, Yorryour friends and erremresfindau and she says “great”! Icarmot believe how of Vermont can see your problems and luckylamto have suchanincredible boss. pathetic gripes in prim Oh, and 1 Wu“ I tell her that the button thatl want to wear respond. on spiritually aware days, the? salts “HOW data You Ptasama that Ft“ universe will serve as my guide. On emu? hatatosexaat” » tionally aware days, I’ll help you be will (,0 be continued) your feelings- take them for a walkr give them abath. Most days I’ll offer the big no l Look for Part Two of Notes from a “O 0t Support groups and dirty W°tdl° Dyke Diary in the December issue of therapists eVe1'YWtt€1’e '" ADVICE! ~01y~M_ ~ So, who cares? I do. So tell me, ask me. i I want to know. . Love Ya. Gwendolvn ‘ HELP!!! ‘ Ken's Diaper Service is Driver with clean driving record. Needs to lift 50 lbs. “ ‘A, Cal d 20-30hrs./wk. to start. Days $5/hr. v rl Own. Inside help Wash, fold, etc. 20-30hrs./wk. Days $4.50/hr. ii Call 388-2417 (Middlebury) JOAN KNIGHT Photography ; - lgamilres (Traditional and non—tradilional) Vvmiston 1 . ;n‘Z§£’r§i.~,l. r a 379-731 0 i - Children 1 '1) 1 Compare Allstate rates. WW Wmmcolor °t°at:rr,r,;-oafitt 1‘ Ellen Hetherington Bayside sqaure 11 Q. Tulor Available for Private Lessons l 340 Mallets B33’ Ave. Help with grommor ond conversoiion in French, i Colchester,VT 05446 Germon, ond Sponish. 863-3808 2 Specializing in Music Theory ond Piono Techniques. I ® Reasonable rates and convenient scheduling. I [V E I "““ _r- Coll Gilles of 865-39“ l Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL J “ T4