.=- E.-.—-.,.-ya»: »:_=s i?4=- —.—e5_;.- Alternative Political Literature The following is a short list of a1tema- tive political literature, referred to in When Least Worst isn't Good Enough in the October issue of‘ OITM". Most of the topics center around the Greens and social- ecology. The Green Alternative/Creating an Ecological Future, Brian Tokar, R & E Miles, CA., 1987 The Ecology of Freedom, Murray Bookchin, Cheshire Books, Palo Alto, CA., 1982 Deep Ecology, Editted by Michael Tobias, Avant Books, San Diego, CA., 1984 Green Politics, Charlene Spretnak & Fitjof Capra, Bear & Co., Santa Fe, NM., 1986 Looking torisomcfhin to do on Friday -nigh $7- Covm +o owe tonhzmi‘ cg edil-M5 meetings’. TheDeath ofNature.' Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution, Carolyn Merchant, Harper and Row, San Francisco, CA., 1980 Fire in the Americas, Forging a Revo- lutionary Agenda, Roger Burbach and Orlando Nunez, Verso, 1987 A good source for a wide variety of literature is The War Resisters League, 339 Lafeyette St., New York, NY. 10012. They publish a literature list with many excellent titles pertaining to alternative politics. The October 1988 issue of Vermont Woman has an arficle on Ecofeminism by Stephanie Lohar, and an interview by Peggy Luhrs of Ynestra King who has been teaching at the Institute for Social Ecology in Plainfield since 1976. Also, check out the Peace and Justice Center Library and the Maverick Media Center, both in Burlington. (Stephen & Burns Taft Corners Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-64 13 November 1988 ACAPULCO Deluxe Oceanside Studio Available Panoramic Bay Views Call Richard at 863-3896 or Gus at 864-9827 K hair and nail care —- cosmetics We've Moved "For, although it is true that fear & despair can ovem/helm us, hope cannot be purchased with the refusal to feel. "' Susan Griffin Maverick Books (Burlington's only worker owned bookstore) 209 College St. 2nd floor (next to City Market) 658-2523 ospecial orders oout of print book search o gay & wiinmens comix Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat 10am-5pm open till llpm on Friday * from S New Society Press X }