mm Out in the Mountains The Board of Directors of Vermont C.A.R.E.S. has accepted the resignation of Terje Anderson, Executive Director. Mr. Anderson cites personal reasons for step- ping down from the post he held for the past two years. The Board wishes to acknowl- edge Mr. Anderson’s dedication and his many contributions to the ongoing battle against AIDS in Vermont. His personal commitment and expertise will be missed by the organization. Dr. Patricial . Schricker of Cambridge, Chair of the Vennont C.A.R.E.S. Board of Directors, has been appointed to fill the post of Interim Executive Director while a search for a new director takes place. The Personnel committee is actively recruiting applicants for the position. Inquiries may be directed to Keith Gos1antP.O. Box 234, Montpelier, VT 05602. Steve Shepard will remain in his posi- tion as Office Manager. Steve’s contribu- tion to the ongoing work of Vermont C.A.R.E.S. has been invaluable during this time of reorganization. The office remains Anderson Leaves CARES open 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday in the upstairs offices at 30 Elmwood Avenue in Burlington. Dr. Schricker reaffirms the commit- ment of Vermont C.A.R.E.S. to providing resources, education and services to per- sons whose lives are affected by the AIDS epidemic. She expects a smooth transition period while the search for an Executive Director is conducted. Dr. Schricker wishes to thank all the members of the Board of Directors for their support and dedication during this time of growth and change within the organization. We are always interested in hearing from our membership and the community at large as to how we can better serve you. If you have any suggestions or comments please contact us. Volunteers are needed to help in this transition time. If you are inter- ested please contact Steve at the office. As you may know our organization is always looking for money to fund this work, if you can donate to the Fight Against AIDS in Vermont it will be gratefully accepted. Upsioirs - 19 Church Si. - Burlington. Vi - 658-4313 VT Human Rights Commission r During the 1988 legislative session, the Vermont Legislature passed Senate B111 ;~ S-308, re—establishing the Vermont Human ‘ Rights Commission. The Commission, appointed by Governor Kunin, includes. one Democrat, one Republican, and three Independents: Denise Johnson (Chair), former head of the Attorney Generals Public Protection Division; Marion Sevi- gny, a former President of Business and‘ Professional Women; Bern Friedelsonz President of the Vermont Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union; Lawrence McCrory, Dean of the School of Allied Sciences at UVM; and Jim Morgan, Ver-~ mont NASW/State-wide Coalition. S-38 outlines the duties, jurisdiction‘ and powers of the Commission: a) The Commission shall endeavor through public education to increase awareness of the importance of full civil and human rights for each inhabitant of the " state. b) The Commission shall have juris- dictiion to investigate and enforce com- plaints of unlawful discrimination in public i , accomodations and rental and sale of real i’ estate. The Commission shall also have jurisdiction when the party complaindei against is a state agency in matters for: which the Attorney General would other-0 wise have jurisdiction. i The Commission has met only twice since its creation in August and the focus has been on hiring an Executive Directon Initial discussion indicates that the HRC; may eventually become the state agencyw r begin gathering statistics regarding same sex discrimination/violence. This process is important, as the I-IRC is charged with‘ making a yearly report to the legislature regarding the types of discrimination than has come before them. Presently, rep0rtS_0i : anti-lesbian/gay discrimination and V10‘ lence should be reported to the Attomtll r Adverhse ‘ __ Uid’iiike”f5”rUhfio.0 70 ,,plé'eSe.¢¢Hto’eti,E‘IIeirdi860 i <2,22._._r'ore ro’ie“s.; end} irifoirmjdiion. _jA'cis”‘rn_L'is’r_‘ be‘ received by the 7}“ “of"the=’:5revi6us*‘"monih"to bé][“" ’_"oiuded_. in‘;’rh’é cu"rre_nt' months is _ ..jsiiej;. ’“C:opyA.;,‘Cdh -be ‘mailed. T04,‘ ,irM.‘P‘;o;: Box] 17_7;,Burirngron;Vi ; —