— Out in the Mountains Thinking Ahead Over the past year U.S. citizens have been overwhelmed by politicians and po- litical propaganda. Campaign weary Americans (U.S.) are looking forward to the final tally of votes on November 8th. However, being a responsible participant in this democracy involves more than cast- ing a vote on election day-it involves an ongoing commitment to social justice. Although electing progressive candi- dates is an essential first stepin the process it is far from being the end of the road. Other essential steps are aggressive lobbying and applying political pressure. We cannot expect politicians to do our work for us. Every lesbian and gay man has a social responsibility to become involved in some way in the struggle for lesbian and gay civil To the Editor, What is going on in the collective heads of the people of this country? Is it stupidity, insanity, brain death, or a little of each? Recent polls show that, once again, after the last presidential "debate", Bush has leapt in popularity. We all know that the Dukakis/Bentson record leaves a bad taste in our months, but let's examine the Bush/Quayle record. They both label themselves as conservatives which -has become synonymous with rabid homophobia, fascist tendencies, white male supremacy, etc., etc. Now let's look at them individually. Starting with Quayle: what an intellectual, eh? Is this guy smart or what? His quick Walter Zeichner M. A. Howard Russell M. A. Cand. Are pleased to offer a 12-week 0 Therapy Group for Gay Men Starting October 7 5:15 - 7:15 pm For information call: Walter: 863-5510 or Howard: 482-2434 rights. The “out” members of the gay community, visibly involved in the politi. cal struggle, represent only a few of the gayj people striving for social change. Many‘ lesbians and gay men work out of the spot.‘ light of public scrutiny. Many work behinux the scenes in lobbying groups such as the~ Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay‘ Men and the National Gay and Lesbian? Task Force. Others submit their anony. mous testimony for state house and senate, hearings on gay rights legislation. Still others phone and write their I'€pl'CSClll2l-l? tives. October 11th was National C0ming= Out Day. Lesbians and gay men wereto “take the next step” in coming out. Nowin November we must think ahead to what next step we can take for lesbian and gay= civil rights. wit an powering of reasoning lead some , to wonder if J. Danforth is actually the missing link incarnate. We all know that his family bought his way into every position he has ever had. Now let's examine top-gun George. His resume is very clear: ex—director CIA,8‘,« years in the Ray—gun administration.:' Consider for a moment their responselo AIDS , their slashing of all socialprogramtl the massive increases military spending.» and their foreign policy! Lest we forget their friends; Marcos, Duvalier, Noriega‘ Duarte, Botha, and the list goes on. With this record, Bush has the audacity to spell of a "kinder, gentler America"! Get out and Vote on November 8! I J.B. _._z The E Estar Center Formerly The Forsberg Ctr Walter I. Zeichner M.A.C.P., N.C.C. Psychotherapy 8 Bodywork l Gay Positive Counseling ~33 «"3 M 323 Pearl Street ll Burlington, VT 05401 ; 863-5510 M;