October 1988 Halloween comes to us as a relic of ancient history. It was one of four annual sacred days. Judy Grahn writes in her book Another Mother Tongue, “Great fires were lit on these four holidays, the chief of them being Halloween, originally called Winter Even, New Year’s Eve, for the Fairies ended their year on October 31.” The significance of Halloween is surely lost on the many heterosexual adults who find themselves escorting youngsters from door-to—door for treats. For the Gay Com- munity Halloween is a celebration to end all celebrations. This is a night of cross dressing and costume parades. Time is running out. Get those creative juices flowing! How will you dress and where will you parade? There are dances at Pearl’s and Colors and parties in the homes of friends. Remember this is our New Year’s Eve, this is our holiday, so don’t _ miss our annual celebration of fun. Nightclub CO L R Dis tizztion GONG SHOW, Every Wednesday Night ° Dancing Nightly 20 Elliot Street ‘ Brattleboro, Vermont Downstairs in the old church mg N 41,’ .