Out in the Mountains ‘Z5’ '\ 37 A "Gathering at the Guns." 9 am Ethan Allen 3V Firing Range. Brown's Trace Rd., Jericho. Rally 77 and Civil Disobedience. For info call 229-0800, or 863-8326. 05401 8-9V AIDS Quilt displayed in Washington. 77 10V‘ Columbus Day 87 I IV Coming Out Day (see related article page 10) 87 1 IV Civil Disobediance at FDA in Washington Dc 12V Begins at 7 am. 147 ]5'16V First Annual Homecoming for Lesbial Gay and Bisexual Alumni at UMASS at Amherst for 22V info call (202) 544-4148. 22V 217 Southern Vermont Peace Coalition. Candi- OCTOBER special events dates Forum with representatives from Bush, Dukakis and Us Sen. and Cong. candidates. For organizational meetings GLBA 7:30 pm. 102 Pomeroy Bldg. UVM campli OITM Article Deadline for November Issue. Ma] submission s to OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burl., “ OITM Editing meeting. Help us shape your paper:,£| OITM Typing. For more information call 865-9759;‘? Integrity W "l UULGC Organizational Meeting W ! OITM General Meeting. Brainstorming for Decem- ' ber issue. i Integrity 2:? i ACLU of Vermont Annual Meeting. Nan Hunter I will speak on "Constitutional and Civil Rights for] Lesbians and Gay Men." For more info. call 223- " 6304 - more info call 259-2876 or 885-3327. 317 Happy Halloween (See related article p. 11) Wsee Vermont Area Resources back page i from page 9 funded rabidly right wing organizations like the Vermont Republican Assembly pose far more of a threat to moderate Re- publicans than their own positions on con- troversial issues like gay rights. The real enemy is people like John McClaughry who can mobilize a campaign by appealing to people’s worst instincts, their fears and insecurities. Gays and lesbians need to remind politicians who is making them pay so dearly the price of their convictions. Politicians who lead their legislative lives taking positions that will not raise the ire of McC1aughry’s soldiers are playing right into their hands. Batten herself, according to Cindy Watson, is optimistic and does not plan to go away. Even as she was being attacked, she expressed no regret for her position on H.247, remaining committed to “civil rights for all people.” Vi Luginbuhl ob- served that “logic must prevail!” Gays and lesbians must continue to work hard to expose the V.R.A and to support candidates like Batten to make sure it does. NEVGALR Activities Planned l NEVGALR (Northeast Vermonters for Gay and Lesbian Rights) have planned three different activities for Coming Out Day. 1 We are providing lavendar bows or ribbons for lesbians, gay men and their supporters in recognition of Coming Out Day. 2 We are handing out leaflets on that day, throughout various locations in the Northeast, describing NEVGALR’s activi- ties. NEVGALR is available to do ongoing homophobia/lesbophobia workshops to rig” G 3c$..tior’1|v"Wi|| g_,st_.0t HAVEliuosuvsleseio vouleooill . _ .Ua.tahteei'Pr0mPtdéliv’eiy‘ofthe.nevllSPa. . discreet‘ plain §9UVel0De;‘ofI’CQUrS9).ib1J1'S'0U’;l?l?il.l._h9'.P§,1J.UFl9"! l gTasserrlbling;"printing,i'aVnd distributing the'newspapf!.' “ - i:wegwelcornecontrivbutionsltof..suppo’rt oupcontlflll - ab_le to out in the'Mo_untainsjor‘(DlTM an l t . . é m’ad:eipay '0 t" th Moun_taln_s,P._O.Box’1fI] community, school, church, business and it professional groups. I 3 Tentatively, a film thathighlights and celebrates lesbian and gay struggle will be i shown at Catamount Arts on the Sunday ‘ Preceding Coming Out Day. NEVGALR is also active politically: we first organized in support of S-278 and l we are currently polling those running for election and urging their support of lesbian l and gay issues. , For more information write I0 1 NEVGALR, RFD 2 Box 26A, Lyndon- t ville, VT 05851. ‘ :___._:::.—_.:.____.—.._—