Out in the Mountains Are your car insurance rates driving you up the wall? Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington Bayside Sqaure H 340 Mallets Bay Ave. Colchester,VT 05446 836-3808 /IIIstale® Allstate Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL Jewish/Lesbian Feminist Scholar to Speed Nationally known lesbian feminist activist/writer/teacher Evelyn Torton Beck will make two Vermont appearances Oct. 14 ‘and 15, sponsored by Vermont New Jewish Agenda’s feminist task force, with a grant from the Haymarket Fund. On Friday, Oct. 14, Beck will speak on “Insider/Outsiders: Feminism and Jewish Community” at Temple Sinai in Burlington after services with begin at 8 p.m. The public is welcome. On Saturday, Oct. 15, at 7:30 p.m., Beck will speak on “Judaism, Justice and Feminist Community” at the Unitarian Gay Natl News from page3 “Behavior like Circle K’s under- scores the need for federal AIDS anti-dis- crimination legislation,” said Basile. “If the company had issued a policy exclud- ing Black people with sickle cell anemia they would be roundly rcpudiaated. This is the same thing against gay people.” Anti-Gay Humphrey Amendment From Appropriation Bill; Federal Aids Pro- grams Boosted Washington, D.C., August 9... A House-Senate conference has deleted the anti—gay amendment that would have de- nied federal funds to any eduction, health, or research program that called homosexu- ality “normal,” “natural,” or “healthy.” The U.S. Senate had passed the am- emdment, sponsored by Gordon Humphrey (R-N.H.), last month by 82-15. The conference resolved other differ- ences between the House and Senate ver- sions of the appropriations bill, and boosted federal funds available for AIDS programs. Church in Montpelier. A $5 donation is requested (sliding scale $3—8). Childcare will be provided if requested by calling Michele Marcotte (229-0417) by Oct. 7. l Beck may be best known as the editoi of Nice Jewish Girls: aLesbian Anthology. 3 She has also published widely on amt]; Semitism, racism and homophobia. At that University of Maryland, she is the directoil of the Women’s Studies Program and at.‘ filiate faculty in Jewish Studies. As a lesbian feminist thinker, shehasi been interviewed by such magazines as Oll } Our Backs, Lilith and Gay Communityl‘ FDA Agrees to Lambda's Demand tel make AIDS-Related Treatment Avail-l able to Patients (New York, N.Y., August 15, 1988)l Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund announced today that it has obtained ',, apromise from the Food and Drug Admini- I stration to vastly expand the availability of trimetrexate, a treatment for pneumcystisl carinii pneumonia, the disease which causes the death of the majority of people. with AIDS. The FDA has also agreed to establisha ,‘ registry providing information on AIDS~ related treatment research and has issuedt policy statement regarding the unethical\ use of placebos in research on treatmentfoi AIDS. ! Lamda Legal Defense and Education Fund is currently celebrating its fifteenlhl year as the nation’s oldest and largest legal u advocacy orgainization working to furtheil the civil rights of lesbians and gay men, Since 1983, Lambda has also been in the forefront of the fight against AIDS-relatedi discrimination, having filed and won the first cases of such discrimination under‘ both state and federal law. IOAN KNIGHT Photography l Couples individuals Children Black 5' White or Color German, and Spanish. Families (Traditional and non—lradilional) 0. Tutor Available for Private Lessons - Help with grammar and conversation in French, Specializing in Music Theory and Piano Techniques. I N Reasonable rates and convenient scheduling. V‘ J- Coll Gilles at 865-3941 '\. Williston , 879-7810 i creaifpap roach Mg J ¥