i By Tom Smith, (Alderpperson in Burling- ton, Ward 3). The slogan, “Silence Equals Death,” graphically points the way forward in the struggle against homophobia. We must be looking for every opportunity to challenge manifestations of homophobia, using var- ied tactics from “kiss-ins” at the Republi- l can Convention to polemics in psychiatric journals. The Burlington Board of Alders pres- ents one such opportunity. With this in mind I brought forth a resolution this spring condemining the “Drink Beers, Kill Queers” campaign at UVM. In Augustl sponsored another resolution commemo- It rating John Rutkowski’ s courage in educat- -‘ing the public about A.I.D.S. The follow- ing is the text of the resolution which was passed unanimously by the Board August 15 rekating to People With Aids. CITY OF BURLINGTON In the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty—eight Resolved by the City Council of the City of Burlington, as follows: That WHEREAS, Acquired Immune Defiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S.) has killed more than 40,000 people in the United States; and WHEREAS, A.I.D.S. has had a profound affect on the gay men’s community; and WHEREAS, homophobia is a widespread system of beliefs that has been responsible for the harrassment of/and discrimination against those individuals thought to be homosexual; and WHEREAS, these prejudices have under- mined the public commitment to fund re- search to find a cure for A.I.D.S.; and _WHEREAS, the A.I.D.S. epidemic has exacerbated homophobia and heightened théii harassment of gay men and lesbians; an WHEREAS, John Rutkowski, a 29 year _old Burlington resident was first diagnosed -as hailing A.I.D.S. in September of 1987, -and died June 28, 1988; and , 'whER_EAS, John had experienced the ghardshllls of being an openly gay male in a h0m0phobic society; and REAS, John chose to take his per- 30ml message about A.I.D.S. to the public despite the stigma associated with the ill- ness; and XQHEREAS, John’s efforts at public edu- hi '0“ Contradicted the Vermont perspec- Ve that A.I.D.S. 1S simply a big city prob- . j Burlington lders Pass Resolton lem; and WHEREAS, John’s choice to personally do public education about A.I.D.S. took great courage; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Aldermen urges the Mayor and the Board of Finance to pledge a sum of money from the special projects fund to Vermont Committee for A.I.D.S. Resources, Education and Services in the name of John Rutkowski; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to J ohn’s mother; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board will seek creative ways to educate the public about A.I.D.S.; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board will re-dedicate itself to the struggle against homophobia. October 1988 Therapy from page 5 as an individual. As one person said, “If a therapist’s reactions are going to get in the way of talking freely about the gay part of me--that’s not the therapist for me!” All suggested that an initial get—acquainted meeting is the best time to ask aprospective therapist about their experiences and feel- ings concerning lesbian/gay/bisexual clients. It is imperative that a client be comfortable with her/his counselor, gay- sensitive or not. Shopping around a bit and getting friends’ recommendations are highly suggested. The bottom line, several say, is that clients are paying for a service and should be satisfied with what they get for their money. Kstephen & Burns Taft Corners Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-64 13 L hair and nail care -- cosmetics J Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat 10am-5pm open till iipm on Friday * from S New Society Press We've Moved I "For, although it is true that fear & despair can overwhelm us, hope cannot be purchased with the refusal to feel. "" Susan Griffin Maverick Books (Buriington's only worker owned bookstore) 209 College St. 2nd floor (next to City Market) 658-2523 ospecial orders -outof print book search o gay & wimmens Comix