BY 10111 Dmllfly KAIUCFDDCISOH In bnrnno- mm- mm 15. Have you ever used lllegal drugs adninlster-ed with a needle? yes __ no 16. it you answered yes to questionviils, do you share needles? yes no 17. = O I many different sexual partners, have the last twelve months? '< O B H‘ D B :- S 2-5 8-10 11‘20 21+ o|‘|l| vaginal intercourse 2-5 5-10 10-20 21+ anal intercourse 1 2-5 8-10 10-20 21+ muutmu 18. Who have you had sex with in the last tlve years? __ aen __ wonen _ both 19. For which sexual practices do you use condoms? ._ (1) oral sex __ (2) vaginal intercourse %_ (3) anal intercourse 20. How olten do you use condoms? _ (1) always _ (2) lost 01 the tine _ (3) occasionally _ (4) seldo- _ (5) never Idllnn (‘r\u-H... 4. , .