E mm mm mm Illlll ||||l 0. which 0! the tollowing will help protect one iron transaitting the virus? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) using condoms not sharing needles or syringes having only oral sex to climax not using hot tubs avoiding unprotected sex not sharing eating or drinking utensils 10. What services does VT C.A.R.B.S. provide? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (8) AIDS antibody testing counseling for people with AIDS and educational resources sate sex intonation prescribing medicine [or AIDS buddy services 11. It you are interested in status, you can get a test at which following tacilities? V1ā€˜ C.A.R.E.s. Your Physician (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Planned Parenthood Red Cross (through blood donation) lllll Hill 12. tlhat have been your Iain sources IIIV your HIV antibody 0! the VT Health Dept. (alternative test sites) ot inloruation about AIDS? (check all that apply) (1) (2) (8) (4) (5) (8) (7) 13. At contracting the AIDS virus? local newspapers/Iagazines/TV/radio triends Vā€˜l' C.A.Il.l!.S. lllllll other (apecity) national newapapers/nagazines/'I'V/radio the V1ā€˜ Health Dept. (including AIDS hotllne) what risk do you consider yourselt ior ( I extrelely high high noderate low not at all 14. Please explain your response to question ā€˜ 813. 4.;