fly 1Ulll Qlllllll, \ruuu1puvlbUll lll Dill III|v— lulu‘ unn ear QnLlILi.h9_J9.Iin.tai.n.t reader; ly name is Sue Kennedy: I am a senior Sociology student at he University of Vermont. This summer, I did an internship with T C.A.|t.E.8. and am now assisting them in a research proicct. i attempting to accurately explore education, behavior, and ttitudes about AIDS among the Lesbian, Gay, and Bi-sexual opulation of Vermont. The composite data only, will be ‘made unable to the VT Health Deptartment, V1‘ c.A.R.E.S., Qn_t_1n_th_e and the Department of Sociology at the University of Your participation, in this project, is vital in making he research a success. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and return it in the attached, stamped envelope. All nswers are completely confidential. Do it today! The deadline for returns is October 20, 1988. Thanking you in advance, Susan I. Kennedy Eflease answer to the best of your ability. Do not put your name ion this survey. ‘it. How many Vermont cases of AIDS have been reported in the state? __(1) 0-10 __(2) 10-25 __(3) .2s—so __(4) 60-100 , __(5) 100+ 15. in the year 1988 the greatest number of new AIDS cases will occur in this population. (please put an X in front of one) ___(1) Gay Hon ___(2) Heterosexual Women __(3) l.V. drug users ___(4) Heterosexual Hen (6) Lesbians __(0) Bi-sexuals E 0. A person can tell by inspecting a potential partner if that person carries the AIDS virus. 1. It is possible to be infected with the AIDS virus and have a negative antibody blood test. 8. If a man caught HIV from another man. HIV cw‘ be spread to a female sexual partner. Viillon cnnn-«m.m,.,. .a_ .._ ,, l-hmmi-I-nnmnrsu--u-o-