Glad Wms Right to Governor’s Foster Care Documents The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that the Governor of Massachusetts cannot legally withhold documents from the public. The decision rejected a previous Dukakis attempt to deny access to internal memoranda from which he developed his controversial foster care policy. Kevin M. Cathcart, Executive Direc- tor of Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, one of two groups which have filed suit against the state and its foster care policy, applauded the ruling, saying, “The SJC decision clearly establishes the public’s right to know how the Govemor’s foster care policy, which virtually excludes gay men and lesbians from consideration as foster parents, was formulated. It is ironic that the Governor would try to keep docu- ments secret that the lower court found were highly relevant to our suit.” Gay and Lesbian Advocates and De- fenders is New England’s only non-profit law foundation dedicated to educating and litigating on behalf of the rights of lesbians and gay men. GLAD celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. NGLTF Lobbying Gets Hate Crime Bill Moving Once again we can thank NGLTF for the unanimous approval by the Senate ludiciary committee of S702 a bill de- signed to collect statistics on crimes moti- vated by prejudice. Senator Paul Simon (D- IL) sponsored the bill. It will be referred to he full senate floor this fall. To assist activists at the state level in Jassing inclusive bias crime laws, NGLTF 1as prepared the NGLTF Bias Crime Leg- slation Packet. Copies are available for 510. Write to NGLTF, 1517 U St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. The National Coming Out Day Com- nemorative Journal To Commemorate this historic event, md to support the on-going effort to make he first National Coming Out Day a huge -299.4; .1 success, we are publishing The National Coming Out Day Commemorative Journal. The Journal will include coming out sto- ries, letters, poetry, artwork, photos, me- morial tributes, and a synopsis of “next steps” taken around the country, as well as information about future National Coming Out Days. For more information about placing your Personal Statement in the Journal, please contact Nicholas Snow, Journal Coordinator, at (213) 650-6200. AIDS Activist Mobilization Planned for October ACT NOW (AIDS Coalition To Net- work, Organize, and Win) is organizing a four—day, national AIDS activist mobiliza- tion, including a teach—in and conference and an AIDS-related rally and civil disobe- dience, October 8-ll in Washington, D.C. “Seize control of the F.D.A.,” a mas- sive civil disobedience action will take place at 7 a.m. on October 11, at the Food and Drug Administration headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. For more information on participating in and organizing in your community for the conference, the direct action, and join- ing ACT NOW, please call 202/234-8801 or write ACT NOW, P.O. Box 73275, Washington, D.C. 20056-3275. Circle K Corp Drops Employees with AIDS from Health Care Plan; AIDS Group Blasts Discriminatory Policy Washington, D.C., August 4...Circle K Corporation, the second-largest conven- ience food store company in the U.S., has notified its employees that any Circle K worker with AIDS who contracts the dis- ease as the result of “certain personal life- style decisions” will be dropped from the company‘s health care program. “It’s particularly appalling consider- ing President Reagan this week called for anti-discrimination protections and re- sponsible AIDS policy in American busi- nesses,” said Vic Basile, Human Rights Campaign Fund director. “This is big- (Continued on page 8) Partners in Recovery and Growth, Therapist‘ Erica Marks, B.A.S.A.C. , Substance Abuse, Sexuality, Parenting, Grief, Gestalt, Spirituality, , Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups Hearthstone Assoc. 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale° Phone: 865-2403 e massage for women% all that we touch is more r beautiful Leah Wittenberg 864-6764 Formerly The Forsberg Ctr Walter I. Zeichner M._A.C.P., N.C.C. Psychotherapy 8* Bodywork Gay Positive Counseling 323 Pearl Street Burlington, VT 05401 863-5510 Walter Zeichner M. A. Howard Russell M. A. Cand. Are pleased to offer a 12-week 0 Therapy Group for Gay Men Starting October 7 5:15 — 7:15 pm For information call: Walter: 863-5510 or Howard: 482-2434