Out in the Mountains SEPTEMBE special events organizational meetings 5V Labor Day 4V Integrity 3' '|2rl5V Lesblan ACOA potluck 6:30pm 862-6377 71 neadune for orrM l3V Electlon Prlmarles 10V VT Lesbian/Gay coalltlon lobbying work- 'I6V BADGIRLS (see article this page) shops, So. Royalton, 10am : 21V Yom Kippur I IV VT Lesblan/Gay coalition Meeting, 10am 1 IE‘ See Vermont Area Resources back page l4V Burl. Peace coalition Board Meeting, 7pm , '|8V Integrity W OITM: Where We Are At This past summer the OITM staff went through a reshuffling process. Old mem- bers left and new people joined. We reor- ganized and started working on long and short term goals for the paper. One of our long term goals is to purchase our own computer equipment in order to be a self sufficient newspaper. The major sticking point to achieving that goal is the need for money. (Yes, this is a plea for your money...) Though we are looking into the possibility of getting a grant, that process takes a long time. We need your help with putting out the paper for the next few months. The costs of compiling, printing and mailing drain OlTM’s wallet every Help Bring Out in the Mountains to All of Vermont OITM Contributions $450, twelve page issue __ $300, eight page issue $150, half an issue __ $40, one page other month.Our low subscription covers the cost of the invidual subscription mailing for an entire year. Raising the subscription rate would put it out of range for those people with low incomes. And if we take in too much advertising there won’t be enough space for articles. So, if you can donate any amount of money, it would be greatly appreciated. Please make checks or money orders payable to: Out in the Mountains or OITM For those of you who can’t afford to donate money but want to help, you can become involved directly in the paper._ (Yes, this is a plea for your body...) Our short term plans include the need for more people. We also need and encourage ideas to make OITM abetterpaper. Lastlune we lost access to typing facilities that are critical to the papers survival. September’s issue was made possible through the hard work and scrambling to find temporary typing facilities. We are asking if anyone knows of facilities in the Burlington area with approximately 3-4 IBM or AT&T compatible personal computers and a printer that can be made available to OITM for typing to please let us know. Inquiries, infonnation and/or donations can be sent to: OITM P.O. Box 177 g Burlington, VT 05402 BADGIRLS Badgirls Productions presents the Lesbian Gala Celebration. Local and far out talent will present theatre, slides, v music, comedy, video, and poetry at Burlington’s City Hall on Friday, September 16, at 7:30 p.m. There willbe , special appearances by KWANZAA and ' MATRIX. Tickets are available on a $5- $15 sliding scale. Advance tickets maybe’ purchased at Bear Pond Books in Montpelier or at the Peace & Justice Center in Burlington. Proceeds will be , donated to the Leah Wittenberg Scholar ' ship Fund. For more information, please contact Pat Fontaine, c/o Badgirls ; Productions, 6 Birch Lane #1, South V Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 862-3561. ‘ Leah Wittenberg has been an active member of the Burlington women’s community for the last 13 years. Among ‘ the projects she’s been active in are Women Against Rape and the early development of a battered women’s shelter; 7 years in the production of ' Commonwoman, Vermont’s first women’s newspaper; instigation and organization of the first lesbian and gay pride day celebration; and a founding A member of HOWL - Vermont women’s p land trust. This community involvement. ‘ while volunteer, has been the area in T UR D 10