Where the Candidates Stand on Gay Rights Vote September 13th! This election year is a unique one for gay and lesbian Vermonters. We actually can choose among several candidates who have gone on record, with varying degrees of enthusiasm and candor, as being sup- porters of gay and lesbian rights. Out in the Mountains urges you to take a close look at the candidates in your districts and vote. Your support in the fall election for a legislator who worked hard for S.278 and S.239 is the most important and heartfelt thanks you can offer. As a community, we must demonstrate, loudly and clearly, that we will remember who our friends are at election time. Following is a quick look at the candidates for the U.S. ‘ House of Representatives and Senate and their position on federal anti-discrimina- tion legislation based on sexual orientation. House of Representatives Dolores Sandoval (D)- willing to co- sponsor. Attended Vermont Gay Pride (VGP) in June. Jim Guest (D)- willing to co-sponsor. Sent a representative to VGP. Paul Poitier (D)-willing to co-sponsor, depending on the text of the legislation. Sent 21 representative to VGP. Peter Welch (D)- willing to co- sponsor. Attended VGP. Vocal supporter. Bernie Sanders (I-Progressive Coali- tion)- willing to co-sponsor. Sent a rep to VGP. Hasbeena no-show, no—respond to other invitations. Peter Smith (R)- would not respond to requests for position statements. James Hedbor (I-Libertarian)- no in- formation available. David Gates (R)- anti-gay, would not Senate co-sponsor. Bill Gray (D)- willing to co-sponsor. Attended VGP. James Jeffords (R)—unknown but un- supportive in the past. Michael Griffes (R)- would NOT co- & sponsor. Burns Taft Comers Shopping Center Williston VT 05495 878-6413 Call for a quote. Take a minute and compare Allstate for value. You may find we can save you some money on your home or auto insurance. all me today...lt'll only take a minute. Ellen Hetherington 4o Malletts Bay Ave. K hair and nail care -- cosmetics J O h n from page 5 John is survived by his mother, father, three brothers, and sister, who live in Massachuseetts and New York, his long time fnend, companion and roommate, Te1-jeAnd fB H d _ 209 College. St. ous lovinge i,,‘"V§,‘f‘n?,‘};ta;‘nd";’cT§§S 2nd floor (next to City Market) com 658-2523 _ Memorial services for John were helflln Burlington and New York City. A