Volume III, Number 6 September 1 988 The Sixth Annual Vermont Lesbian and Gay Pride March took place on June lltli in Montpelier. Four hundred lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and supporters con- verged on the state capitol on a glorious summer afternoon. As usual, beautiful weather was the order of the day. This was 151 i‘ ‘the first year that the march was held in the state capitol; in the past it had always taken place in Verinont’s largest city, Burlington. The primary reason for holding the march in Montpelier this year is related to all of the legislative action involving “ , lesbians and gay men recently, namely the dz two AIDS related bills and S-278, the anti- discrimination bill. It was felt that having _ the march in the capitol would spotlight these legislative events. Other reasons for » choosing the location were the fact that it was more centrally located and the Burlington area activists who have been organizing the march since it first year were, quite frankly, suffering from bum- Out. (Continued on page 8) Lesbians and Gay s Overta onpeli ' .. - 'i%?.«‘ I‘ *9 »-«W3. VTLesbian and Gay Pride8 (photos by Janet Coles and Deb H eissen ) Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are _ The First National Coming Out Day is this October 11- marking the anniver- Sar_y of last year’s March on Washington. It IS hoped that Coming Out Day will become an annual event across the United , States - each year having a different 1h€In,e. As reported in May's OITM, this Year sthemeis “Take the NextStep." This _51°gaI_i centers on the idea that coming out 18 a life long process and one that is ’ essentialto the liberation of lesbians and ' gay men. E0‘ 301116 people, taking the nextstep may 1n_volve private and personal issues- ggglslng Coming out to oneself or close viSibIe- Others are perhaps ready for more , acfivis a°“°“5'DUl>11c events or political . {C igl. Theday is designed toaccomo- Comm 688 from everywhere along this acrosslllfilm. Personal and events 2 °C0l1ntIy will gain national impact i I by sharing the common theme and date. Various groups and organizations in the VT area indicated that they may organize group activities for Coming Out Day, but that it is too early yet for them to have firm plans. However, numerous individuals volunteered their ideal or fan- tasy Coming Out Day activity. These included: greeting the bus driver or sales- clerk with a cheery “Good morning, I’m a Lesbian”, coming out to parents/friends/ employers, “Gay and Proud” chalk graffiti on sidewalks everywhere, integrating a “ridiculously heterosexual” bar, airing a pro-lesbian/gay public service an- nouncement on prime-time television, and polling political candidates for their stand on lesbian/gay issues. OITM would like to publish a list of such activities, plans, and goings on for October. Our new deadline is the seventh of each month. Please send information regarding your group’sp1ans/events to: OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402. I'M 3- A—A-A -A-Ay_/