June 1988 special events 1 Ivan Annual vr Lesbian/Gay Pride! . V U.N. Speclal Disamament March, NY City . 16- I97 AIDS Memorlal Quilt in Boston (see related article) 19V Father's Day 19V Summer Solstice July-August organizational meetings Va: alton 4V Integrity (see related article, page ) W IV VT Lesbian /Gay Coalition Meeting. 10 am, So. Roy- 8V UULGC, 6.30 pm w 7 Burlington Peace Coalition Board meeting, 7:00 pm 87 lnteg rity (see related article page )3‘ Please note July and August dates for integrity meet- ings in the related article Integrity Burlington, a social and po- . ‘ litical group for lesbianand gay Episcopali- ans and their friends, met on May 7th to plan summer activities. As in past sum- mers, program offerings will include a film series and light activities to promote fel- lowship in a non-threatening environment. The programs will follow an Episcopal Mass that begins at 7:55 p.m. on the first and third Saturdays of each month. AH lesbians, gays and their friends are invited and encouraged to attend the events listed below. The movie Satiricon by Felleni will be shown on June 4. Brush up on your summer lawn games by joining in the fun of “Cro- quet and Lemonade in the Rose Garden, Gay ‘90’s Style” on June 18. V UULGC 33‘ ”§See Vermont Area Resources back page 7 Integrity Plans Busy Summer A passion for preparing the latest rec- ipe for Boston Baked Beans or a new twist to green party salad? Share your culinary skills and satiate that appetite for the un- usual. Bring a dish and celebrate at Integrity’s Annual July 4th picnic on Satur- day, July 2. A special folk mass with music per- formed by Elizabeth Alexander is planned for July 16. Warm up your singing voice for a folk sing after the service. Pop some corn, kick off your shoes and get ready for a movie on August 7. Parting Glances or Maurice will be offered. Practice the hula for an evening of fun in the Islands. The service and cook-out for August 20 will be at Andy’s in Grand Isle. Call 655-1301 for more information and directions. Thanks I 8:] Learn new skills in desktop pub- lishing. OITM needs new typing facilities and more volun- teers. If Y011 can help in any way, please call 862-6377. L >——___é for the endless hours of typing and subscriptionwork. _ o,:ntri_ Lesbian Social Club This summer some ambitious Lesbians are planning a few get togethers so that area Lesbians can get to know each other and have some fun. For further informa- tion call 1 -229-0109. -Thurs. 6/9 Put-Put Golf in Riverton, Vt. 7:30pm -Sun. 6/12 Mt. Elmore Climb. 10:30am -Thurs. 6/16 Dyketones at Pearl’s. Meet at 7:00pm -Sun. 6/26 Brunch in Worcester. 10:00am 7/? Evening Out to Dinner. Call for more info. -Sun 7/17 Going Tubing. 11:00am -Thurs. 7/28 Barbecue and Videos.6pm -Sat. 8/6 Deep Sea Fishing. -Sat. 8/20 Tubing and Camping. llarn -Fri-Sun 8/26-28 Camping Weekend in New Haven. -??? Ionfé-..,to:.. ble’ o.O_utin‘ ‘