f Help Bring Out in the Mountains to All of Vermont OITM Contrlbutlons $450, twelve page issue __ $300, eight page issue $150, half an issue __ $40, one page other Call for a quote. Take a minute and compare Allstate for value. You may find we can save you some mone on your home or auto insurance. all me today...lt’ll only take a minute. _ Ellen Hetherington /‘» “«_4o Malletts Bay Ave. Colchester, VT 863-3808 Allstate: June 1988 V Gay National News Y Task Force Calls on Civil Rights March to Include Gay People In a joint letter to Coretta Scott King and Rev. Joseph E. Lowery, the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) and the National Coalition of Black Lesbians & Gays (NCBLG) called for the inclusion of lesbian and gay civil rights in an upcoming national march being planned by the civil rights community. The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change in Atlanta has issued a call for a National Mobilization Rally on Washington on August 27, 1988 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the historic march led by Dr. King in 1963. Levi and McCoy called on the gay and lesbian community to join in this call for inclusion of gay/lesbian rights. Letters should be addressed to: Mrs. Coretta S. King, Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, 449 Auburn Avenue NW, Atlanta, GA 30312. NGLTF Plans Lobby Days for Lesbian & Gay Rights; Plans to Release “Report Card” The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) today announced plans to organize two days of Congressional lobby- ing in support of gay and lesbian rights to take place during October 6-7, 1988. The National Lobby Days for Lesbian & Gay Rights will mark the third time gay rights supporters have lobbied Congress in mass. During last year’s March on Washington, NGLTF and Mobilization Against AIDS organized two days of constituent lobbying in which over 900 people participated. An information packet to help activists prepare for the October 1988 Lobby Days is available upon request from N GLTF, 1517 U Street NW, Washington DC 20009, (202) 332-6483. Just published: The Quilt: Stories From The NAMES Project. Complete with full-color photos and text of the NAMES Project Quilt, the na- tional AIDS memorial. The Quilt is dedi- cated both to preserving the memory of those who have died and increasing na- tional awareness of the disease. A Pocket Books hardcover, by Cindy Ruskin. Photos by Matt Heron, $22.95. The Latina Lesbian History Project Announces the publication of Com- paneras: Latina Lesbians (An Anthology). Companeras is a collection of oral histo- ries, essays, poems, short stories and art work by and about Latina lesbians. It includes the words of 47 women born ten different countries. The anthology speaks with the voices of women who are puertorriquenas, chica- nas, chilenas, hondurenas, brasilenas, argentinas, peruanas and nicaraguenses; women who met to speak about what it implies to be both Latina and lesbian in our communities, whether we live in Latin America or the U.S. Available to individuals and libraries at $8.00 per book plus 15% shipping costs. Checks are payable to Latina Women’s Educational Resources, P.O. Box 627 Peter Stuyvesant Station, NY,NY 10009. NGLTF Endorses Disarmament March Join the national demonstration June 1 1th in New York calling for nuclear disar- mament, an end to military intervention and a governmental commitment to eco- nomic development and social justice. The demonstration, held simultaneously in NY and San Francisco, will conclude with the Third UN Special Session on Disarma- ment. The second demonstration, in 1982, drew over a million people. For more information on lesbian/gay contingents to the marches and more logis- tical details, call (212) 608-8155. International Gays to Meet in Norway The 10th ILGA Annual Conference will be held in Oslo, Norway, from Sunday 26 June to Sunday 3 July 1988. The conference is hosted and subsi- dized by the Norwegian lesbian and gay organization DNF-48, and AHF. It will take place at the same time as the lesbian and gay pride week in Oslo, with a “Lesbian and Gay Freedom Day” Demonstration March on Saturday 27 July. To mark the occasion of the coming- into-force of the law in Denmark for regis- tered partnership for homosexual couples during the conference week, the confer- ence will include a workshop on “Equal rights/ Right to be different”. Formore info, contact: David Murphy, c.o SIT, Kipling Rd, Brattleboro, VT 05301. (802)257-7751, ext. 273.