Out in the Mountains Notes from the Editor Missing Links We never did get any letters commenting on the new laser layout work we have been doing. We started to wonder if anyone was out there. This month we found out. Several of our articles last month were missing their ends and we heard from several readers about it. Hey you guys, how about a little positive reinforcement! Here they are, better late than never. "A Lobbyist Reports"- In her edito- rial she wrote, “if we are truly a nation that respects the rights of every person, then passing this bill means the fulfillment of the most basic constitutional principles - that our country was built on. Yes, a fulfill- ment of our existing laws, not a subversion of them.” Thanks for the good work, Patti. "Time/Newsweek Boycott"- For more info, contact: CRY OUT!, PO Box 71096, Pittsburgh PA 15213. " Kill Queers" - Editors note: After this article appeared in the UVM Cynic both students received numerous harrassing phone calls and the car of one was vandal- ized. "M.0.W. Grant Money"- Those in- terested in applying for a grant should get a copy of the request for proposals. Write the March on Washington at P.O. Box 7781, Washington D.C 20044 or call members of the Steering or Executive Committees. Grant proposals must be received by June 1, 1988 to be considered. Letters from our Readers Dear Editors: Hi! My name is Crocker. I have been in the process of coming out for a long time, particularly in the past year or so, and am now becoming more and more openly gay. The problem is that, while there appears to be a rather large community of gay people in and around Montpelier, I seem to be having trouble meeting other gay men. I was wondering if any of you at OITM might have any helpful ideas or sugges- tions. If so, it would be great if you could pass them along. Thanks Crocker H. Dear OITM: Social Alternatives for Men (SAM) recently sponsored a dance at the Sheraton North Country Inn to celebrate spring, and raise some money. We agreed to split the proceeds with Out in the Mountains. We are very happy to say that the dance was a success and we are able to present you with the enclosed check for $310.90. Continue the important work you have_ been doing! Very truly yours, Ed Robichaud for SAM Editor’s note: Thank you so much SAM for your generous support! CO9\[§i7{J2l’l"‘ZlL5?l’l'IO9\LS on the brilliant success of the gala Concert: flln 54195 Benefit ‘Zhe volunteer eflorts of many contrihutecl to an outstantlirg musical program that was well-attentletl anal much appreciated. It was an evening to remember! Special thanks Q) will O.I.T.M., You’re Looking Better Than Ever! « Desktop Publishing facilities donated by lose///nage 1 187 St. Paul Street, Burlingtm‘ ,~ 863-1884